Sunday, December 3, 2017

one of my favorite things: holiday greetings

I so enjoy this time of year!
The semester is done and I am my own woman again, with every bit of my time being mine to spend as I wish.
What great freedom!
Ever since the beginning of this month I have been blessed to share that time with those who are family by blood and those who are family by spirit.

December 1:
Hobnobbing with my Collective Face Ensemble family! Better yet, it was the opening night of "Harvey", so that meant plenty of noshes afterward in the lobby - a true party! You may not know it, but they have been part of my family since their performance of "Enchanted April", back in May of 2010.
Thanks, Eric Salles, for whispering in my ear, "I love hearing your laughter in the audience."
I have been such a fan of his comedic stylings ever since "What The Butler Saw" in 2012. In that bit of looniness, he was the cop, whereas he's the designated loon this time around.

December 2:
Dancing and laughing with my Lucas Theatre family! Honestly, I do so love being a volunteer usher there, as that guarantees I will be in that beautiful building on a regular basis.
I am so blessed to have free admittance to so many shows! That certainly is a boon for my entertainment budget.
Plus, I love the people I've met, like fellow volunteers Ann Meyers and Cindy Goldberg and Nel Adams.
My special thanks to Joe Buttner for hooking a girl up with this plum position!
Oh, and thanks, too, are owed to that inspired street poet for making my day!

I can't wait to see what gifts of friendship the rest of the month will bring!
i thank You, God!

Now, back to writing final exams, as I have been doing all day...

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