Tuesday, December 19, 2017

prayers for patience

Prayers for me to have patience, for Smitty to have patience, for Aunt Linda to have patience...
but, mostly, for Tony to have patience.
This is his opportunity to become reacquainted with the need to follow rules.
Thus far, he still thinks he is 'special' and that the rules will bend for him.
He also thinks he can use his brand of Chinese-water-torture nagging that he perfected many years ago when he was the last child still at home. Mama told me she would always relent and get him what he wanted, just to make him shut up about it.
That trick won't work on me... but it might on folks in Tallahassee.
Now that Tony has a phone, he uses it to call our aunt and plead his case.
Now, she has sent him even more money which he cannot use yet.
Time for me to let her know how the system TRULY works.

Dear Aunt Linda,
Thank you for sending more money for Tony. He was actually able to get his ID card for FREE, thanks to the Social Apostolate here. That saved him the forty dollars.
He will be good for money, thanks to you and me, until at least March. He is only allowed to have TWENTY DOLLARS PER WEEK while he is at the Coastal Transitional Center and not working. Once he is employed, the CTC will allow him to have more per week, depending on his pay, as well as his room and board and travel expenses while at CTC.
The MOST he is allowed to have per week, though, is the $20. He still had over $80 in his JPay account, which has been transferred to him now. Plus, he has the $100 I put in for him two weeks ago. They are trying to teach him about budgeting so that when he has a job, he can be more responsible toward his expenses.
Enough of that!
I look forward to Tony getting a job soon. Once he has been working for 30 days, he'll be allowed a 6-hour pass to spend out and about with me or Smitty. As it is, he has been allowed to attend church for the past few weeks and THAT is a great blessing. It not only allows him time away from CTC, but also gives him the opportunity to socialize with fellow Christians. I am so grateful for that!
Please do pray for him to gain patience and acceptance of rules. He continues to try to push the timeline set by the CTC. Smitty and I have attended the Visitor Orientation and are aware of the rules that Tony has to follow regarding money as well as any travel away from the CTC.
Much patience is definitely needed.
with my love for all you do!

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