Tuesday, December 26, 2017

day 11 of Twelvetide with Bonnie in Bluffton

I began this Boxing Day morn with one of my favorite "The Twilight Zone" episodes. Starring Art Carney, "The Night Of The Meek" is humanity at its best.
All he wants at this time of year is to be able to bring some joy to the poor folks in his 'hood. But, as a derelict who works seasonally as a department store Santa, he's not likely to ever have the means to do that... until a magical bag comes into his possession. He then proceeds to grant the wishes of all he sees, with the bag graciously providing any and all material goods.
He asks for nothing in return, until the end. Then, he wishes he could be able to do this every year... and an elf appears, with the reindeer-drawn sleigh, to take him to the North Pole to make ready his wish.
Beautiful story, isn't it?
I cry each time I see it, happy tears, grateful tears that such a man exists...
even if it is only in "The Twilight Zone".
With that to gladden my heart, off I bounced to Bluffton for Bonnie, sans boys!
What a rare treat for both of us!
On such a blustery day, we opted for soup to warm our bones. The beef stew I had and the chili she had were not very good... but we didn't really care. She very much enjoyed her fried mushrooms and I liked my crispy fries there at Hinchey's.
Then, over to the Sea Turtle Cinema - oops! I mean, the Cinemark Cinema, as its been known for the past few years. She had suggested "The Darkest Hour", but she decided to see "Ferdinand" instead. Hooray!!!
Most definitely, let me say that again: Hooray!!!
We both laughed and laughed and giggled and laughed some more!
Such silly, prancing horses!
Such a ragtag trio of hedgehogs!
Such a sweet, lovable, carnation-sniffing bull!
That was very much exactly what we needed to see!
And if Merritt and Conner want to see it, I'll gladly watch it again!

Now, let's see if I can catch the bfe and share a bit of time with him.
We were to do so yesterday, upon my return to town from my Aunt's house.
However, due to a lack of communication on both sides, it did not happen.
Perhaps I will have more success today...
wish me luck!


Joseph Mitchell said...

I need to know exactly what hour Twelvetide ends so I can set an alarm on my phone. I can't find this anywhere. Is it Jan 05 @ 24:00 or Jan 06 Dawn, etc.?

faustina said...

Joseph, as far as I can tell, that depends on whether you are Protestant or Catholic.
If Protestant, Twelvetide ends at midnight of January 5.


"The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus.
In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, "Christmas Day" is considered the "First Day of Christmas" and the Twelve Days
are 25 December to 5 January, inclusive. For many Christian denominations—for example, the Anglican Communion and
Lutheran Church—the Twelve Days are identical to Christmastide, but for others, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church,
Christmastide lasts longer than the Twelve Days of Christmas."

Hope that helped!

faustina said...

Also, you'll most likely have already noticed that I repurposed the term Twelvetide for my own designs, namely, to have twelve Christmas-themed days leading up to Christmas day.