Tuesday, December 12, 2017

gingerbread and coco

I warrant that you think I have a typo in my title, don't you?
Assuredly, I do not.
"Coco" is the title of the movie I'll be seeing right shortly with Carolyn -
not the chocolatey beverage!
I don't know why I haven't seen the animated film before now, but so it is.
She and I will go dine somewhere afterward - perhaps to Sweet Potatoes again?
Who knows! We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
As for the other substance listed above, here's an announcement:
Happy National Gingerbread House Day!!!
You didn't know?
Well, it says so right here so it must be true!

To celebrate, Marcia and Jackie and I
met across the river at the Westin
to visit all their gingerbread houses.
Such a lovely day it has been
for such an adventure -
blue sky, fairly warm...

My favorite on the first floor was this log cabin.
You know what caught my eye?
Those delightful icicles dripping off the roof!
That's not to say I want icicles on my roof -
I'd rather the weather
not be quite that cold just yet -
but I may wake up to see them in the morning.

This was my favorite of the second floor's display.
Actually, it was my favorite overall!
The judges may not have agreed with me, but tell me this -
how many gingerbread houses have you seen
that feature a fishing net torn by an escaped mermaid?
I'll tell you how many -
Well, unless you mosey over to the Westin to see it for yourself.
I hope you will!
Now, excuse me, I've been taming lantana and stray wild cherry trees. I've already spent more than five hours on the task and have the side yard looking much neater. The three tall stacks of discarded bushes and trees will attest to that, at least until Thursday, when that all gets hauled away and I can start on more stacks from the rest of the front yard...
and then there will be the back yard...
but not right now.
I'm off to the movies, y'all!
Feels like forever since I've been to one!

1 comment:

fliss said...

Well, we did see "Coco"... and it was such a beautiful tale of family and misremembered history and a boy finding the great-great grandpa he had never known - we were both in tears at the end. Absolutely beautiful. I definitely want to see this again...