Sunday, December 24, 2017

carols with The King!

Oh, what a joyous Christmas Eve I have had!
Of course, it began with a good note... and has ended with one, too!
I mean that literally, as well as figuratively, as you will see.

I arrived at church a bit late,
but right on time to see the four Povies -
Amy, Doug, Samuel, and Sarah -
light the four Advent candles.
i thank You, God!
Then Rev. Billy talked about
those four little words the angels always say
before presenting their message from God:
"Do not be afraid."
Quite reassuring, aren't they?
Very nice to visit with the Povies afterward, too!

After the service, I jetted downtown to visit with Tony. I was early, as the church service he has been graced to attend this month had not yet returned him to the CTC. I patiently waited for, as I told the warden, "I had blocked out this time to spend with him and had nowhere else I needed to be."
We had a wonderful visit! First, we talked about the sermons we'd listened to - hallelujah!
Then, we talked about my talk with Chief Judkins and his talk with the Chief - hallelujah! Tony is now well aware that I am going to keep onto him about following the right path and I'm letting others know that, too.
Then we hugged and wished each other "Merry Christmas" - hallelujah!

Then to visit with Kevin's old-lady cat.
First, she insisted on lots of cuddling on the couch.
(He had said she liked cuddles and she does!)
Next, to fill her water bowls with clean drink.
Done, as she supervised and gave instruction.
Then, how about the food bowls?
Well, she definitely got more dry food...
but no more tuna, not tonight.

Off to watch "Pitch Perfect 3"! More music in my life with this crazy bunch of chicks!
I've seen the two previous movies, so this one has been long on my list!
It was delightful! Nice to see John Lithgow being a bad guy, too!

Now, for my second trip to Asbury Memorial UMC
on this special day.
I arrived just in time -
the evening service had not yet begun.
I even found a seat downstairs!
The service was beautiful, as it always is,
ending with all of us lighting a candle
and singing "Carry The Light"

The Hesters were all there -
Jean and John and Molly, with Zaida home from college! -
so I filled up on hugs and love
as we caught up with each other.
My Christmas card was a big hit this year,
and Jean was thrilled that I had sent one
to Jean Marie's children, too.
They recognized it on their Aunt Jean's fridge!

(I'm so glad I addressed all the cards to the children - I'll have to make that my tradition!
You know how much children like mail in their names, right?)

Then a large group of us church-goers transformed into neighborhood carolers, led by Elvis!
What a lovely way to commemorate 24 years of bringing joyous song to those nearby!
"We Wish You A Merry Christmas"!
"Silent Night"!
"Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"!
And, of course, "White Christmas" to Miss Virginia, as she sat on her front porch, before we headed inside for food and fellowship before taking our leave for our own homes.
i thank You, God.

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