Thursday, December 28, 2017

my dining room table

I remind all my friends and family; my house is a safe zone. Coffee can be on in minutes, or a beer, or I can run out and get whatever you want. My dining room table is a place of peace and non-judgment. Anyone who needs to chat is welcome anytime. We can pray, talk, share a laugh or two, or just listen. It's no good suffering in silence. I have food or we can always order out, eat and cry. I will always do my best to be available. You are always welcome!! This is an old value that has been lost to technology. A text, facetime, gif or emoji is not the equivalent.

Please feel free to copy this and re-post, if you wish.

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I posted this in my status on facebook at 2:09 AM on Christmas Eve.
I had copied it from David Poole's page, but I modified the last line. Rather than requesting that folks re-post, I wrote as a suggestion only.

So far, my post has had fifty-five 'likes' and ten comments.
My thanks to Donna Howard, Caroline Switzer Verner, Jackie Frant, Lee McEwen, Julie Shead, Jo Coleman, Roy Wood, Shelley Kohli, Lindsay Norman, and Pat Andres.
Nice to know I have touched a chord with folks who've known me since my teen years as well as people who have been in my life for only a year or two.

i thank You, God.

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