Tuesday, April 2, 2019

30th smf, day six, day and matinee

This cartoon about weather in the South is just a little amiss.
The time frame on it needs to be shortened greatly.
For example, when I left the house at 11 AM, the weather was very much like the bundled-up-in-heavy-jacket "Tuesday" image.
By the time the noon30 concert was done at 2 PM, we had advanced to the light-jacket-long-pants Monday in the shade with the sweater-top-and-boots Thursday in the sun.
Upon my return to the Morris Center at 4 PM, my coat and scarf stayed in the car and I could have been comfortable in the shorts-and-sleeveless-top Wednesday.
After the matinee at 6:30 PM, the weather had cooled back to jacket-and-scarf Saturday.
i thank You, God, i was at the same venue for both SMF events!

The first was with Aaron Diehl for "Blues & The Spanish Tinge".
In 2013, I heard him with his trio, but today was just him and his piano (rhyming like 'me and my arrow').
(Such a fun little ditty that is!)
Such variety in this gig! From the theme song of "The Sting", to "Viper's Drag", my feet were tap-tap-tapping, my hips were bouncing, and I was twirling gaily!
And those were just the first songs!
Fortunately, the Charles Morris Center has established a sweet little semi-private dance hall for me.

Of course, they refer to it as the front entry, but we
all know better, don't we?
(The camera woman knows the truth, for sure!)
Back to the music for my dancing pleasure!
Diehl performed at least nine of the piano etudes composed by Dick Hyman, short little finger-stretchers.
He ended with "Piano Etude 16", which was mercifully short 'Glass water torture'.

Afterward, when the table lights had been extinguished and the extra program books retrieved, I still had almost two hours before the matinee show.
Off with me, into the sunshine, cool temperatures and lighter breeze not stopping my gait!
I knew exactly where I was going for lunch, too!
Funky Brunch Cafe is generally closed when I get downtown for evening events, so this was a rare special treat for me.
I had already perused the menu, searching for non-breakfast dishes, non-sandwich items, non-dairy-drenched foods...
and there it was, beckoning to me.
Poseidon's Trident.
Ahi tuna on seaweed, a billowing mound of smoked salmon, and a delectable shrimp salad -
Even more lovely than I had envisioned it and delightful to the palate as well!
I do so enjoy food that's prettier than it needs to be!

After a leisurely stroll, I was back to the CMC in plenty of time, this time as the stage door wench.
Hooray for me! Thanks, Paige, for the suggestion!
My 'dance hall' was smaller, but I had a great view of the John Pizzarelli Trio - and Catherine Russell, later - as they bounced through "I've Got The World On A String"!
"You Make Me Feel So Young", y'all!
"Goody, Goody", you wistful "Skylark", but watch that football-playing "Jamboree Jones"!

I sure do love Johnny Mercer's music!
After a few tunes a la Frank Sinatra, Ms. Russell joined the trio. I'd been at her SMF performance in 2016, which featured a bit of Billie Holiday sprinkled in the mix.
Donning her red-feathered hat, she launched into character with "All Of Me" - magnificent!
"You Go To My Head", just like a "Ghost Of Yesterday" - a rather mournful song that has stayed with Catherine since she was a teen.
I preferred their duo of "Moonlight Becomes You" and "What A Little Moonlight Can Do".
Those two songs were much more danceable!

1 comment:

faustina said...

The day's entertainment provided a total of $72 worth of birthday60 gifts for my ears and my dancing feet!
I especially liked working as the stage door wench for the cabaret matinee - dancing in the light is more fun!