Saturday, April 13, 2019

30th smf, day seventeen, musical matinee, a la broadway

What a grand way for me to 'exit, stage right' from the Savannah Music Festival!
The magnificent Sherrill Milnes was present, at 85 years old, to emcee the event at CMC.
The fabulous singers with Savannah VOICE were singing to me, seated in the audience for a change. (Thanks, Molly!)
Why would they be doing such a thing?
Why wouldn't they, after seeing me dancing and silently 'singing' along with them during their sound checks?
How could I have resisted?
After all, they were practicing with songs from "Phantom Of The Opera" and "Frozen" -
and of course I knew those by heart!
Plus, it didn't hurt that I'd heard those last fall at the 29th Annual Levy Concert at the JEA.
Still, when that luscious baritone, Chad Sonka, sang "Music Of The Night", he looked straight at me almost the entire time.
Later, he sang to me again, this time "If I Can't Love Her", the one Dan Stevens did in the "Beauty And The Beast".
He wasn't the only man slinging tunes in my direction!
Sean Christiansen lent his tenor tones to "Out There", the wistful lament of Quasimoto.
Then, a little later, he watched me again as I 'sang' along with his breathtaking "Bring Him Home", Valjean's plea for a young man's life.
That almost brought tears to my eyes!
Jessica Ann Best, mezzo-soprano supreme, also sang to me!
The first time was for "Let It Go", of course, as she had seen me warmly receive the "Frozen" tune earlier!
(How about that fancy footwork with those words, eh? Hahahaha hahaha!)
The next times, she and the entire group on the stage were having such fun, giving us "You Could Drive A Person Crazy" and "Greased Lightning" with plenty of vim and vigor!
I know I was certainly dancing in my seat!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This was certainly the sweet, bright cherry atop my music festival sundae!


faustina said...

Forty-two dollars!
That's the worth of this birthday60 gift from the SMF!
Believe me, it was worth so much more than that!

faustina said...

Oh, no! Notre Dame has caught fire, causing much damage to the 850-year-old cathedral.

My friends are posting all over facebook, posting photos taken on earlier visits to France.
Quite sad to think of the gargoyles homeless...