Sunday, April 28, 2019

baseball itch has been scratched

That looks like Grayson Stadium, doesn't it?
Well, that's because it is!
Did the Savannah Bananas have a game today?
Well, no.
The Eichholz Family Fun Day was held earlier, trying to lure folks out to the ballfield on this beautiful Sunday afternoon with the promise of free lunch, cornhole, and bouncy house fun for little ones.
I was there, enjoying the warmth of the sun and feel of the light breeze, breathing in that sweet smell of green grass mingling with red Georgia clay, dreaming of April days in the past when baseball would have been active on that ready-and-waiting field.
May 30th cannot get here soon enough for me.
I had thought some friends and family would be joining me today, but I was solo.
That allowed me to walk around, getting a feel for the view from different perspectives.
That photo was taken in one of the group boxes, at the topmost area of the stands.
Those all-you-can-eat tickets are thirty bucks.
The regular AYCE is eighteen, a 20% increase from years past.
That's okay... I'll make sure I get my money's worth!

After I returned home, I worked in the yard another two hours.
I managed to complete my fourth bag of yard refuse, mostly poison ivy and drunken irises and rogue wish puff generators.
Plus, I added to the stack of limbs and brush from the front and back yards.
I've been working on all of this since Friday, after Tony cut the grass for me.

After changing out of my gardening duds, I was off to Forsyth...
but more on that later.
Right now, I'm concentrating on the baseball angle.
Going to the stadium had really made me hungry for my boys of summer.
What to do, what to do?
Then, I remembered that On Demand had listed "Major League II" as one of its free movies a week or so ago.
Might it still have the Cleveland Indians tale???
Might it please be there?
It was!!!
i thank You, God!
What fortuitous timing!
What a gracious plenty of actual game time on the screen!
What great fun seeing Tom Berenger and Charlie Sheen and Corbin Bernsen and Dennis Haysbert in those uniforms!
Now, it's done and my boys of physics shall soon grace my tv.
Life is so good!

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