Friday, April 12, 2019

30th smf, day 16, stringband, interrupted

So, what was I doing here, at the Trustees, when my next gig with the Savannah Music Festival is over at the Lucas?
Well, there had been a dearth of volunteers for this event...
and I had the time available...
plus, I am fond of the Acoustic Music Seminar finale and have enjoyed it in years past.
So, I was there for 90 minutes, to help add song lists to programs, to welcome folks, to put programs into their hands.
Fortunately, I was even able to enjoy some of the music written by these seventeen students who had spent several days being schooled by Mike Marshall and guest clinicians.
Liam Purcell, a 16-year-old mandolin player from North Carolina, was first up. He had applied for several years to the AMS program. He told us that he was glad he had not been accepted any earlier. Why? He said he would not have been mature enough.
That sounds like he is truly growing up right!
His instrumental piece, "Lindale", was performed with four new friends. I visualized a kite flitting lightly hither and yon with a playful breeze - very nice!
I hope to see his bluegrass band, Cane Mill Road, here at SMF one day!
Liv Greene, a 20-year-old songwriter out of Washington, DC, presented a new piece, "Halfway Lover". Fronting a sextet, she sang a tune that Patsy Cline would have been proud to call her own!
Who knows, maybe it'll show up on a radio hit list soon!
The last one I was able to hear was "Tasajalka", a very lively piece performed by another sextet. I missed which of the three fellows had chosen this work by Tero Hyvaluoma, though I think it may have been the 18-year-old fiddler from Washington state, Evan Snoey. I do know that he chose it because the lively instrumental is of his heritage, it being a Norwegian jig.
I do know all three pieces had my toes-tappin'!
I wish I could stay for more...
but I have Tweed(y) in my future!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Had I been able to stay for the entire 2 1/2 hour show, then the $20 fee would have made this the absolute best deal of the entire festival.
Next year, I'll have to be sure to put this on my "top picks" list!