Friday, April 12, 2019

30th smf, day sixteen, two robbies at noon

Yes, I realize that sounds like some casual headline on the midday news.
Trust me, it was sooooo much better than that - and fun, too!!

That's Robbie Gjersoe in the foreground there, post-concert, holding his guitar.
Behind him and near the stage is Robbie Fulks, the tall cool one in the pink gingham.
Together, they were the great comedic duo playing classic country for the noon30.
Yeehaw, y'all!
They started out with North Carolina on their minds, touting it as the "Cigarette State" and taking a dig at Alabama - "the band, not the state". Quite funny!
By the show's end, they still had that state on their mind, bidding "Fare Thee Well, Carolina Gals", and adding, "I'm going where you can't find me, there'll be trouble in the days to come, and a lot more fools behind me"!
Sure am glad I'm a Georgia peach!
In between those tunes, they slung out an incredibly diverse playlist of Fulks' songs from over the past few decades, as well as having that Robbie tellin' tales along the way. "The Buck Starts Here", a Hank Williams-influenced song, with "Needed" a ballad of a young man finding out about taking responsibility. Swinging doors and whiskey women led us into "I Just Lived A Country Life", talking about the honkytonking way of living. Truly excellent and classic country, for sure!
But that classic country has a flip side, too, full of humor at dealings with the opposite sex. Take "Every Kind Of Music But Country", in which a guitar-picker has chosen a woman who doesn't care for his genre. Or how about "It's Always Raining Somewhere" where the guy is thankful to be rid of a devilish female - that one had us hooting and laughing! So did "Seventies Jesus", featuring a hippie chick who rocked Christian Style - woohoo!
As much as I liked all of those, it was his "one and only love song" that got me.
After all, he wrote it for his wife, who was "Sweet As Sweet Comes".
What a lovely sentiment!
Thanks, y'all, for a fabulous noon30!
To think, I almost canceled my shift today at the Morris Center.
I had heard them accompanying the film yesterday and had the thought that I needn't hear them again.
That would have been such a mistake!
i thank You, God, for this fabulous final noon30 concert!

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