Sunday, April 14, 2019

dale, yeah!

This matinee performance by the Armstrong Masquers found me in my seat in Jenkins Hall.
"The Great American Trailer Park Musical" is the last of the 'free' faculty tickets I received last fall... just prior to submitting my school ID card to the personnel office.
That's right, folks.
Before I went into 'retirement' from this university, I made sure I had a ticket to all three of the main stage productions as well as both of the black box productions.

I think of it as part of my severance package.
I think Betty, Linoleum, and Pickles would be in complete agreement with me.
They're the Greek chorus for our journey into Armadillo Acres, as well as representatives of the three most popular hair dyes: redhead, blonde, and brunette, respectively.
I had already seen the play last May, down at the Tybee Post Theatre, as part of my birthday60 celebration. (I had intended to write about it, but at least someone else did.)
However, that cast was a bit different in age, skewing upward, actually closer to the actual ages of the characters.
Today, it was all college students, so that meant they were making up in energy what they lacked in age.
Boy howdy, they sure accomplished that!
From my seat, I saw the surprise on their faces as I sang along, too!
Yes, indeed, from the opening lyrics of "This Side Of The Tracks" by the trio of women, to "The Buck Stops Here" from stripper Pipi, through "The Great American TV Show" and "Storm's A-Brewin'", and right on in to Duke (aka Elvis Aaron Garsecki) wailing about "Roadkill" as he speeds to reclaim his ex-girlfriend.
Who might she be?
The stripper, of course, played adorably by Cassie Martinez, with an overbite that rivals that of Queen's frontman.
Bravo to all for such a rousing performance!

What else have I seen during this GA-BOR-mandated "traditional" academic year?
The first was "The 39 Steps", which I had mistaken for the serious Hitchcock version.
I was so very wrong about that, as were Barbara and Jackie, there with me.
Instead, the Masquers performed the play written as decidedly tongue-in-cheek.
Amazingly, only four actors are needed to portray the entire story line!
This troupe allowed nine of its members to inhabit the multitude of characters - and much hilarity ensued!

I opted to not see "God of Carnage" when it rolled into the Black Box last October, even though I had a ticket.
I simply was not up to the task of watching people behaving badly to each other.
I'm sure someone was glad of my vacated seat in that small space.

I most definitely was present for their "Twelfth Night", though!
I adore that bit of Shakespeare, no matter how often I get to see it!

The fourth production, again in the Black Box, was "Bright Ideas". I made sure I was there for it, too! Sure, it was also about people behaving badly to each other, but with much mirth, so it was quite palatable!

And now, this afternoon, I have seen the last of the five offered this season.
Maybe I can talk someone into getting tickets for me next year...
we'll just have to see about that, won't we?
Now, though, I'm going to have hot dogs with chili for dinner - it's been quite a few years since I had that!
Somehow, this play put that cuisine into my thoughts... imagine that!
Thanks, y'all!

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