Sunday, July 1, 2018

beatles and shakespeare sunday!

John Mellencamp was on "CBS Sunday Morning" today. The man speaks to my soul and has with his music many times through the decades. He said, "I only have so many summers left and I intend not to waste them being old."
He's just six years older than me... and the same age as my friend Barbara.
However, mentally, he and I have a much more positive mindset and cheerier outlook.
Life is to be lived, every summer, every moment!
Time to go to church!

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And so I did!
This was Billy's last sermon before his summer vacation. (I think he's taking off for two months! Not that we'll be left to our own devices, oh no, no. He's lined up a different speaker every Sunday until his return at August's end. He would never leave us just hanging.
He certainly left us with a doozy that any of the temps will be hard pressed to follow!
"I Want To Hold Your Hand" was all about the importance of touch in our lives.
I second that motion!
(Yes, pun intended!)

I also second his fabulous tribute to The Beatles! Not only was the song of the sermon title sung, but with "A Little Help From My Friends" - namely, Ray Ellis and David Alley - forty-two of their tunes hit the air, even if only a few bars' worth! I have the link right here so I can listen whenever I please!
Today was special, too, because it was the First Sunday of the month. That meant we had Holy Communion during the service and BIG Coffee Hour (lunch!) afterward. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Oh, plus one of my favorite non-Christian songs was sung! "Trees Of The Field" is actually Jewish - just like Jesus, by the way - and is a very uplifting tune... and it's interactive, too! During the chorus, clapping is as much a part of the song as the words are. I've captured that link, too, for later enjoyment!
Plus, here it is with the lyrics and their background in Isaiah 55:12.

The first time I heard this song at Asbury, I went straight to Greenwich afterward, to share it with Mama. I even clapped my hands for the trees to hear me!

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Now, I'm off for a second intake of "Twelfth Night"! Those Odd Lot folks have gotten involved and are offering half-priced tickets for the matinee today!
I'm looking forward to those yellow stockings again!
i thank You, God, for such a glorious day!

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