Monday, January 7, 2019

it's the IYPT, y'all!

Hey, hey, everybody! Stand up and cheer!
It's the International Year of the Periodic Table, y'all!!!
I'm so glad I renewed my membership in ACS!
Today's mail included this fabulous oversized calendar to commemorate the 150th 'birthday' of the modern Periodic Table - a free gift for the chemistry nerd in me!
Maybe I received it because the Savannah chem nerds are hosting the next SERMACS?
Whatever the reason, I have it now!
Elvis, courtesy of the bfe, has helped me decorate it, too,
to remind me of special dates.

The set of Sticky notes, in six designs and several different colors, featured The King of Rock'n'Roll in some classic poses - perfect for my needs!
There are some exceptions, but the following legend holds for most cases.
The pink ones denote the birthday of a niece, great-niece, aunt, sister-in-law, stepmom, female cousin, or female friend.
The blue ones denote the birthday of a nephew, great-nephew, or male cousin or friend.
The olive strips are for the anniversary of loved ones to the one they love, especially those whose weddings I attended.
The large slate blue blocks are for those dates which feature birthdays or anniversaries of more than three people.
The black ones are for those who are no longer physically on this planet.
And that large one, with the white background?
That marks my birthday!
Oh, yeah!

Thank you to ACS for this very timely gift!
Thank you to the physicist for the Elvis sticky notes!
and i thank You, God, for the spark of inspiration!

1 comment:

Faustina said...

I have begun having second thoughts about my color scheme. Not for all of them, mind - just those black strips.
I don't have a single month which is free of them.
Some months even have more than one marker of someone I loved who is no longer alive and breathing.
Then again, I've put in six decades on this beautiful planer.
It's only natural, as we are mortal, to expect to have had some loss by this point in time.
I'm just not sure highlighting the loss was the right move.
That'll be something to remember for next year's calendar.