Friday, February 11, 2022

good to be nestled at home again

Only my two brothers and their spouses have known I was back in town from Florida.
It's only by the grace of God that I am.
When I drove to Savannah yesterday, I was barely able to walk ten feet without having to stop and catch my breath.
I had no problem driving, as that was a sitting-down procedure.
But, after parking in St. Joseph's ER lot, trying to get from the car into the building required to rest stops.
The diagnosis is: atrial fibrillation.
I had thought the cold weather had given me pneumonia and was completely to blame for my trouble breathing.
Now, I am seated on my own couch, in my own house, surrounded by the colors of my life.
i thank You, God.
Smitty and Mary came to pick me up, retrieve my laptop and travel bag from my car, take me to the pharmacy for the new prescriptions, and escort me into into my home.
i thank You. God.
I've made a soothing cup of apricot tea, as calming to smell as it is to sip, and have saltine crackers to help calm my upset stomach.
"Penn & Teller: Fool Us" is on television, to return a bit of magic to my life.
i thank You, God.
It's been a very long two days, but I am home.
Every little thing is going to be alright.
i thank You, God.

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