Monday, February 7, 2022

vltat: bingo at the beach!

Welcome, one and all, to the Audrey and Grant show!
I do so enjoy them as the Bunker Bingo hosts!
As I was going to be away from home, I had questioned myself about even keeping my reservation for the games, but, in the end, and given the dreary weather both home and here in Ormond, I'm glad I had this to entertain me on this Monday night!
The KC Crew was playing music for me to jam along with, too - thanks, Grant!
My guess is he has older siblings that turned him onto the rock and roll of the '70's ad '80's, because he certainly isn't old enough for all that.
I am, though!
And he was even taking requests!
Audrey was taking requests, too, but not for music.
She was keeping one eye on the chat bar, so when we made comments, she could reply, just as is this was being played right there in Kansas City.
For instance, during the third game, I chatted that my card was "freeeeezing..."
Next thing I know, Audrey is saying, ""Hang in there, Faustina, let's see if we can get you some numbers!"
And, she did!
"And I just got one!" I wrote in the chat. 
"Thanks, Audrey!"
"Good for you, Faustina," was her vocal reply!
She really is a sweetie!
As for my cards, please don't think that I came anywhere near getting a B-I-N-G-O on this occasion.
I contented myself with the thrill of the chase for that elusive ideal sequence...
and with the different patterns formed by the black squares of called numbers.
Take this card, for example.
By the time someone else had B-I-N-G-O, I had placed only four numbers, plus the 'free space' in the middle.
No worries, though!
I rather liked the daisy bobbing back at me from that field of butterscotch gold!
Now, the fun is d-o-n-e and it's time for food!
Audrey and I are hungry!!!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I like to send a little tip of $1 per game to the BINGO hosts, but I had not yet done so for either January or February.
No worries!
Audrey and Grant know I can be a bit slow from time to time.
Looking forward to seeing them again in March!