Tuesday, February 1, 2022

happy new year to all tigers!

Today is the first day of the new Chinese year, and what a year I hope it will be!

Anne El-Habre shared this meme on fb and it has five of my favorite tigers - hooray!

So, happy new year to you, Shere Khan, and please muss Mowgli's hair for me!

And happy new year to you, Master Tigress, as you help Po become the best Panda ever!

Happy new year, dear, dear, Tigger, and try to reassure Eeyore that all is well!

Wishing a happy new year to you, Tony the Tiger, as you enjoy those frosted flakes!

And, last but certainly not least in my heart, happy new year, my dear, dear, Hobbes, and please remind Calvin that the days are just full, as always!


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