Wednesday, August 23, 2023

i'se had all i can stand, i'se can't stand it no more

That's what Popeye would say 
before opening up a can of spinach 
and whupping ass.
It sums up how I feel about that back yard of mine.
Given the verdant, 
lush, green 
of that area, 
spinach - 
and that sailor man - 
naturally sprang to mind.
If I had known 
the rain had already come
I would not have taken my trusty Ryobi in hand -
but I didn't know
so I did sally forth.
the deed is done.
Though not vanquished
the furrows have been made
to allow the escape 
of more water,
to allow drying
by the hot summer air,
to allow access
of birds to the many tiny grasshoppers.
I sit
with cooling air all around me
until time arrives -
and the battery is again charged -
to finish off
this beast.

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