Tuesday, August 1, 2023

out of this world!

I would certainly go to this musical if it existed!!!

Gunther may have been a ditz, but he turned out to have a pretty good idea after all: a science fiction piece about a missing explorer and navigation aids that could only narrow it down to one of four planets.

So, Captain Rosita and her robot assistant set out to find which was the correct one.

The first inhabited world they reached was the Planet of War.

There, a fierce battle - a dance-off, of course - had raged between Johnny and his dance instructor, Klaus Kickenklober.

Seriously, that was his name!

At one point Johnny looked down for the count, but he rose and was victorious!

No lost explorer, so the Captain moved on to the second destination of their adventure, the so-called Planet of Joy.

There seemed to only be one inhabitant, but that proved to be an incorrect conclusion.

The creature was in the company of at least a hundred tap-dancing lemurs!

There was even a fireworks finale!

However, there was not a lost explorer.

Off to the Planet of Love, seemingly designed from a Victoria Holt novel!

There, Meena crooned to her romantic heart throb, an ice cream vendor.

Well, that's who it was in her imagination, rather than the narcissistic, preening bull assigned the role!

Still, no long-lost explorer in sight, and there was a new problem.

The rocket ship's path to the Planet of Sorrow was blocked by a scary wormhole!

Would the Captain be able to maneuver around it with a space walk?

The robot assured her it could be done... and, with his beeps and boops and warbles, he turned out to be correct!

However, there were no signs of life when the two had successfully landed.

The Captain did notice a deep cave.

Could it be the life signal had emanated from its dark depths?

The pair debated how to approach.

Meanwhile, another pair within the triangular cave had their own debate as to which should emerge first.

Ash, losing hope that the old musician would have the inner strength to do so, stepped forward on her own, singing one of his songs.

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For".

Ah, an excellent choice, with words the grieving man could embrace to find his way out of the dark... and to be long-lost no more.

I do so love "Sing 2"!

Thanks, Comcast, for this Summer of Movies reward.

What a perfect reward, too, for me to enjoy after mowing the back yard.

Yes, again.

It seems to need cutting every week, but I certainly don't do it that often.

For one thing, the grass gets so thick that the Ryobi gets worn out after about 30 minutes or so.

This time, it went for 40 minutes, allowing me to cut those diagonals as I watched silver mist repeatedly exit the area mowed.

Maybe I'll get to finish it tomorrow... maybe.


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