Thursday, August 31, 2023

i glisten like a twilight vampire

Not for the first time this summer has that delightful phrase crossed my mind.
This time, it was while I was at a red light, exiting Truman Parkway, with the hot summer sun baking me as I sat in my 2-55 car.
Not familiar with that 2-55 expression?
That's 2 windows, wide open, at 55 mph, i.e., old-fashioned air conditioning in vehicles.
A little joke, from me to whoever may be out there.
I'm glad I happened to catch that Robert Pattinson film fifteen years ago - it was worth it to see him glisten from head to toe.
Glisten is certainly what I was doing, as I was out running errands after Idalia kept me home yesterday.
Good thing I had a good breakfast to start my day!
I certainly needed that.
For the second time this month, I was at SUDS.
That laundromat is less than a mile from the house, but I'd always thought it would be full of students.
Well, after chatting with the operator there, I know that I can go any time and find machines a-plenty, and every one of them in working order.
The first time I did all the winter bedding.
This time, I all all my usual laundry.
Each time, I only needed the one machine; and, though it costs a bit more, at least my clothes smell clean and fresh.
The Sandfly laundromat has not had that benefit for a while, so I'll be coming here from now on.
Today, an older fellow chatted with me and that passed the time right nicely for both of us.
Once I got all those clean clothes home, the next trick was getting them inside.
The street was still torn up a bit, as the hurrycane had put a crimp in the schedule for paving the road.
That means I've been parking in the street.
Getting in and out of the driveway, whilst avoiding the hole in the asphalt as well as the barricades, is just too awkward.
So, more exercise for me, even though I'd gone to the Victory Planet and walked my 2K before coming home!
Seems like I would deserve a treat, right?
I totally agree!
So, I placed an order for pickup from Red Lobster.
The above photo is what was promised me: Shrimp Scampi, Grilled Shrimp Skewer, and crispy Walt's Favorite Shrimp, with baked potato and coleslaw - yum!
Plus, I had a reward coming to me: Broiled Scallops!
What a snafu that turned out to be.
I waited for an extra twenty minutes and this is what I was sent home with: soggy Walt's, barely grilled skewer, missing scampi, and scallops with a smelly gray film in the liquid.
The manager, Ken, told me he'd make it up to me; we'll see.
Now, though, I've had a rare shared-video experience with mi amigas, courtesy of AARP MFG.
"The Strange Name Movie" wasn't quite what I had expected, but it certainly was entertaining!
I thought it might even speak of my name, but it was about folks with celebrity names (Paul McCartney, Donald Duck) as well as humorous ones (Putz, for example).
Like I said, it was definitely good for a laugh!
That's rare with a documentary.
Afterward, I stayed on AARP to rack up some bonus points by taking informational quizzes and watching short videos with health and financial tips.
One of those 300-point videos was titled simply "Relaxation: Port".
This familiar sight greeted me there!
It's Malta, the last port of call on my Mediterranean cruise, back in October of 2002.
I'd recognize those limestone buildings any time.
Talk about a White City, it certainly was, and still is.
Speaking of such, I'll have to remember to take that CD to Jayme on Sunday.
I sure would love to see Savannah Stage Company take on "The Dreamer And The Devil" and bring that musical to life.
That would be just marvelous!!!

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