Wednesday, January 17, 2024

talking smack about the weather, part 1

It's after 10 AM and just barely above freezing
At least the sun is out and it's a blue sky day.
the ex: 
The sun just came out. 
It isn't doing any good; it's 7 [degrees F].
Holy shiite.

My stepmom sent this from Alabama yesterday.
"It's 12 and feels like 0. 
This is the view from the front door."
the ex: 
[He countered with the view from his front door in Michigan, in the 'fingers' part of the 'mitten'.]
How deep is that?
the ex:
Well, what you're looking at are the piles made by the snow plow that cleared our driveway.
Amy reckons we got a total of 1 1/2 feet, that fell slowly but steadily between Friday and Sunday.
Drifting also caused some issues because of high winds.
the ex:
We were using the shovel and the snow thrower every several hours, to clear walkways and areas for Millie to do her business outside.
I cut out something I call "the arena" for her.
Millie is a lucky dog.
the ex:
Well, she's so small that she would have gotten lost in the snow!
One morning, I tried to cut a little bit before she needed to go out but she needed to go as soon as she got up.
Two steps into it and she went right down there.
Oh! Poor puppy! 
What a cold shock!

the ex:
She wasn't out in it long enough to get that wet, and she was happy to have some breakfast right afterward.

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