Tuesday, January 16, 2024

three movies and a luncheon!

The luncheon was yesterday, with Yvonne!
No, not at Olive Garden this time!
Nope, not at Applebee's, either, though that's where we started, but that didn't work.
The waitress there disappeared for twenty minutes after bringing our drinks...
so we returned the favor and left.
The hostess didn't seem to care.
So we walked next door to B&D Burgers and they were glad to have us!
See Yvonne laughing at me?
Notice which finger that is next to her mouth?
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
We both enjoyed the chicken tenders, too -
they truly are the best in town!

After lunch, she went back to work and I took off for the movies for a double header.
I knew the lovely 60's of Monday would soon give way to brutal cold and I wanted to make sure I got my A*List in before it did.
Here's the weather song from WSAV for the week, and just look at those freezing lows on five of those days!
Yes, with a horror show like that rolling into town, I most def had to make sure my ducks were in a row.
Quack, quack, quack!
That means getting my all-musical A*List viewed and done, as forecast.
See what I did there?
Threw in a little weather joke to lighten the mood, if not the skies.
Yesterday was a double header, of chocolate dreams ("Wonka") and lavender flowers ("The Color Purple"), with a surprising number of other viewers there for a Monday.
Well, surprising until I remembered it was a holiday!
Today, for Tina Tuesday, I was the first movie-goer in the place!
That means I had the Big-D of "Mean Girls" all to myself!!!
Very nice!
Now, I'm going to watch "School Spirits" once more time before that reward movie expires.
I selected it on Sunday, after reading a fb post from the former JavaFlicks Savannah ringleader, Patrick Young, and deciding it was just up my alley.
It also ties in well with "Mean Girls" on several counts.
It takes place in a high school and it features a "new girl" who's a bit out of step.
It has two students who take her in hand to help her find her rhythm there.
It has a "queen bee" who wants to do the same, meaning to keep her down.
It has a guy that's in contention by two of the females. 
Plus... it's a kinda sorta musical!
Tiffany Alvord, the "new girl", is on the soundtrack for several of the songs, but she does no singing, nor does anyone else, in the movie itself.
Okay, it's starting now... later!
Stay warm, y'all!

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