Wednesday, January 31, 2024

on this day in 2009

One of the few cool things that fb does is remind me of posts from years ago.
Someone I knew on the site was passing along a "get to know you" routine and I had played along, on that end of January, fifteen years ago.
What I've just realized is that Daddy and Sam Johnson have both been gone that long.
So, back to my story before Paul and Cathy call from California, yes?
When I was notified on fb that I "have memories to share from this day", I did what I normally do in such instances: I began deleting them from my page there.
However, I saved this one to notepad first, for later perusal.
I wondered if I might have any addendums to these "things about me".
So, let's see, shall we?
25 Things about Me: thoughts from myself at age 50
1.  I had looked forward to turning half-a-century for a long time before I finally did last year.  I think I'm going to enjoy 51 better.

[Every year certainly has its highlights. At that time, I knew Daddy was dying, but I was enjoying being able to spend so much time with him and his family. That was a blessing.]

2.  I miss Mama.  Still.

[Always. That had been 8 years after her death. It's now been 23 years.]

3.  I love to travel. Anywhere. Any time.

[Absolutely still true, though I don't have quite the freedom to do so now. I no longer have the Diamond Resorts properties, but that's a good thing; it just means more planning on where to stay. Also, atrial fibrillation has slowed me down some, but hasn't stopped me... and that's good!]

4.  I love music and see it as therapy for my soul.

[Absolutely still true.]

5.  I love teaching.  Seeing that lightbulb go off in someone's eyes makes the hours of grading lab reports more bearable.

[I think I might very well still be teaching had not the merger eliminated my position, as well as Armstrong. I tried to continue at Savannah Technical College, but that was just a half-step up from teaching at a high school, with lots of extra paperwork and little support. It's good to be retired.]

6.  I was in the United States Navy for 7 years and three months.  I really miss the travel and living in a different country for an extended period of time.

[I do miss the immersion into different cultures. The closest I've come to that was the ten-day trip to Italy with the nursing students. That was in 2012.]

7.  I married my first husband when I was not quite 20.  Our marriage lasted for not quite three years.

[In retrospect, neither of us really knew what we were doing and neither of us wanted to go to our first duty station alone. I was 19, but he was 27. That was a definite learning experience for both of us. We were together in Panama, but divorced in Pensacola, going into 1981 free to figure out what we wanted from life. The last I heard, he had remarried and had several children, just like his mom wanted.]

8.  For my 24th birthday, I had a tubal ligation.  I finally found a doctor who believed me when I said I wanted no children.  I still waited for my period every month to make sure.

[I continued to welcome my menstrual cycle every month as a marker that I was not pregnant, up until the hysterectomy in 2010.]

9.  I'll take the beach over the mountains or the desert any day.

[Amen!!! I like pictures of mountains and deserts... but I love beaches!]

10.  I even have my own beach, of sorts.  I call my blog "beach of faustina".  It'll do for those times I can't get to the real thing.

[That was my first blog, which I wrote in through 2016. By that time, I'd started two other blogs, one for doing good in the world and one for delights in 2015. Since then, I've branched out even more, including one for my invented Period Table For the Blind.]

11.  I would lose my mind if not for the love of, and for, my friends and family


12.  I can think of few things better than a double-header at the cinema.

[... especially for those occasions when I can tie them to a theme!]

13.  I love to watch sports - IN PERSON.  I rarely watch televised sports, and then it's only if I'm somewhere and a game is on.  I especially love to watch my "boys of summer," the Savannah Sand Gnats, who will finally come back on April 9th.

[I sure do miss them! Baseball remains my favorite, but that's not quite what the Bananas and Party Animals do at Grayson Stadium.]

14.  I used to be very active with theatre, when I was in the Navy and again when I went to Armstrong State College.  I tried to be at Florida State University, but they only wanted drama majors, so I got out of the habit.  Last Sunday afternoon, I was pulled on stage... and found I've really missed being part of a show.

[I still love theatre and being part of the audience... but I also find myself loving those works that pull me in and encourage me to interact with the cast. Yes, please!]

15.  I once thought I would like to play the drums.  I truly did not realize how INVOLVED a task that would be.  Kudos to all the drummers out there!

[It was fun to try, but rather interfered with my dancing... lol!]

16.  I have lots of fun singing karaoke - and I don't even have to be drunk to do so.

[The pandemic put a crimp in that, but not with my cousins in Augusta!]

17.  I love to dance.

[I do, I really do! Even apropos of nothing!]

18.  I was married for 15 years to a wonderful, giving man who I had thought would be with me forever. "Twas not to be.

[Well, that's not quite right. We are not a couple, but we are family, and that's a blessing. The photo is of Easter Soup, a recipe that belonged to his mom and won a 4th place award in 2015 at Dawn's Annual Soup Party. That was dinner tonight!]

19.  I have always considered myself one of the most sociable unsociables I have ever known.

[In short, that means I do well on my own, mostly. Though I do love a good party!]

20.  I'm a "hopeful" romantic, as presented by Kathleen Turner's character in "Romancing The Stone."

[That's certainly the reason for some of the dreams I have, and certainly explains why I so enjoy those kinds of movies.]

21.  My favorite drink is Cabo Wabo Reposado tequila.  The best sippin' stuff out there.

[Not anymore. A-fib has eliminated stimulants and depressants from my intake.]

22.  I didn't get a driver's license until I was almost 20.

[This link isn't about that, but about the DMV in India. See the movie!]

23.  I miss pizza and macaroni & cheese.  My birthday present last year from my body, and my paternal side, was lactose-intolerance.  

[Thanks to Lactaid, I have pizza at will!!! Hallelujah!]

24.  I want a dog.  I had a series of dogs while I was growing up.  I even brought one back from Panama with me.  I think, once my life gets a schedule, I want a nice, medium-sized mutt.

[My life has yet to "get a schedule" and, since Christa's death, I'm sure that having a dog would be a wrong move. I get petsitting perks, so that's good.]

25.  I REALLY love to travel. 

[I do, I really do! This summer is to feature a week in Florida with cousins, and will begin a series of such visits with other cousins. More on that to come!]

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