Friday, January 26, 2024

things learned at the jepson

1. Don't ask a literal-minded fish jokes.
Now, imagine him enhanced with an Artificial Intelligence so he can respond to questions.

I hit him with a knock knock routine.

me: Knock, knock!
him: (after a pause) Who's there?

me: Orange...
him: (following a longer pause) Orange who?
me: Orange you tired of being up on that wall?
him: Well, as an animatronic fish, I don't really have the ability to get tired. But I must say, being on the wall is quite a comfortable spot for me. It allows me to interact with folks like yourself and provide assistance. Is there something else I can help you with?

Silly fish... but it did understand my use of "orange" for "aren't", so that was pretty amazing.

2. How to make a personalized light-up pin.
First, I used a sharp quill-like tool to etch a design -
onto a square of acrylic tile.
Then I taped a piece of black paper on the same side as the etched design.
I chose a green LED, folding one leg of the electrode to the back of the pin, with hot glue to hold it in place between the back and a disc battery.
The other leg of the electrode was then folded to the back, but not touching the battery until the design was to be lit up.
A tiny magnet served double duty, to attach the pin to my sweater and to keep the pin lit.
(Thanks, Rachel, for your help with this craft!)
3. Kids today have every bit as much imagination as kids in the past.
This wall was covered with creatures that were part of the "Making Marks" exhibit, modeled after the Ulysses Davis "Created Beasts" sculptures which I'd seen in the fall while waiting for the librarian.
Such a range of colors and materials used!
I especially liked these with the feather boa flourishes.
The fanciful names were fun, too!
I'm glad I had time to admire all of these while I was waiting for the AI-inspired movie to start.
4. Sometimes movies have the same names, but differ.
I was so sure that I had seen "Metropolis" some years back, but I assuredly had never watched this 2001 anime before.
It rather reminded me of "Wizards" with its interspersing of war and sweet moments.
What I most enjoyed, though, were the vocals from the Japanese students in the audience!
They were clearly familiar with the story and had no qualms about cheering and booing the various characters - very nice!!!
5. Never miss the opportunity to act like a kid.
One of the reasons I so enjoy the annual PULSE celebration of technology and art are all of the interactive exhibits that draw out the inner child of the viewer.
I had not realized that I was reflected on the mirrored wall until I recognized my jacket on my arm!
Then, I saw multicolored geometric shapes appear whenever I moved!!!
I bet I spent at least ten minutes trying to capture them on my phone as I sashayed back and forth!

Analog to AI: what a treat to quicken my pulse!

1 comment:

faustina said...

A very informative story about "Making Marks":