Monday, January 9, 2017

dawn of soup month!

Sure, Soup Month began on January 1st.
But consider this, in light of yesterday's conservation.
How about we view the celebratory occasion in terms of ONE DAY, rather than an entire month? True, the day would last for THIRTY-ONE HOURS, so we would not necessarily be on this particular planet.
No matter.
For a party that began at 7 in the evening, on the 7th day of a 31-day month, that should equate to near about dawn for said 31-hour day.
I think so!
And that makes perfect sense for where I was at 7 PM on the 7th: at Dawn's Soup Party!

And here we are!
On the left is Dawn's sister, Becky, sitting beside Lindy, with both of them listening to me (in my green dress) talking with Cara, Dawn's niece.
Blonde Traci looks on.
Meanwhile, Brandee and Patsy, two brunettes, were getting their photo taken by Connor, Patsy's daughter.
And where were Dawn and Michanne?
In the kitchen, fetching the next pot of soup from the Chef-testants!
Next year, I hope to again be in that category!

Not that soup was the only food on the menu...
oh, no!
We also had an assortment of breads!
A heaping bowl of salad!
Fruits and cheeses!
Crackers and spreads!
Penis Pasta Salad!

hahaha! haha!
You thought I made that up, didn't you?
Look closer, mon frere...
what do you see?

Mighty tasty it was, with its creamy sauce...
hahahaha! hahaha!

Thanks, Brandee!

And I reveled in the bounty for two meals today!
My brunch consisted of Dawn's entry.
A recipe created by her husband's mom, it was Split Pea Soup,
filled with tasty bits of ham!
A Canadian Bacon sandwich partnered with
the 4th place winner quite nicely!
One note: the party was the
first time I'd ever had split pea soup.
I will definitely have it again -
especially as I have her recipe!

I'll be making Tracy's 2nd place winner, too.
This served as slunch,
between my afternoon lab
and my evening lecture
on this first day of
classes at Armstrong.
The Italian Sausage-Navy
Bean dish,
alongside my instant
grilled cheese sandwich,
was perfect for this cold day!
Made me toasty warm
and full!

Tomorrow, I will finish off Patsy's 1st place winner!
I guess her lucky tie served her well!
The soup was her dad's recipe, Nantucket Fish Chowder. Full of chunky carrots, potatoes, and onions, as ell as an entire rasher of bacon, she had used catfish as the seafood this time. She assured us that any fish would be equally good in it - and I believe her!
Hers was the only soup that I took for two meals. I had the first of the two yesterday. Yum!
I did not take any of Becky's Corn Chowder, full as it was of butter and heavy cream... but I plan to adjust the recipe for my lactose-intolerance! It was so very good and rich when I had it at the party!

And what is this all about?
Well, as I dined on brunch, I watched "The Price Is Right", as I usually do.
This woman caught my attention with her style as she sashayed down to the contestants' box, then sashayed up to the stage when she had guessed well.
"What on Earth," I thought, "is she trying to make sure she gets her fifteen minutes of fame?"
No doubt!
As we learned, Evelyn had been on that same stage thirty-eight years ago - wen she was pregnant with the son wh was with her today!!!
So I snapped this photo to share her story.
You're welcome!

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