Sunday, January 8, 2017

day 8 of the Love Your Life Project

Considering the amount of time some of these "ten-minute" projects have taken, I'm starting to wonder if the start of a new semester is the time for me to have begun.
Well, the thing is, here's the thing...
as my ex was fond of saying...
you won't know until after this week.
So, here is what I'm going to do.
I'll take each day as it comes, each hour as it comes, and each minute as it comes.
Presently there exist no Earthly manner to otherwise manage time.
As long as I view the videos in sequence, do the actual days on which I do so have to be sequential?
I think not.
In the grand scheme of the universe, time is not of the same ilk as that experienced by we mortals.
So, rather than feel pushed into viewing these helpful videos one per day for thirty days, I am going to opt for a variation on that regimen.
I will still undergo my Love Your Life 30-Day Program, but I will intersperse gaps of "normal" time between my video activity days.
Sometimes I may interject one day, sometimes it may be several. Sometimes I may go for a stretch of sequential video-watching days.
But I plan to follow the program and not skimp on performance of the activity.

In many ways, that is how the new WW program works.
Each day, I have a specific number of Daily Smart Points to ingest.
Each week, I have a specific maximum allotment of Weekly Smart Points that I can choose to use.
If I want, I could consume all of my WSP on a single day!
However, that would leave me feeling deprived for the rest of the week and may even lead to me going on a binge.
If I want, I could ration out my WSP to add a fixed number for each day's consumption.
However, that would not be helpful for those evenings when I'm invited to dinner...and don't have enough points left to spend for the meal.
So, I plan.
I keep a schedule on my kitchen cabinets - where I will see it often! - and I mentally set aside a clump of WSP for those times when I know they will be needed. The other days, such as those when I am at school, I may only use one or two WSP, if any.
Flexibility is the name of the game.
Flexibility is what fits my nature.
Flexibility is what I need.

Today's video message was "Identify and change a story you've been telling that no longer serves you".

Well, folks, here it is.
I've been trying ever since I got out of the Navy in 1984 to tell myself that Monday through Friday are work days and Saturday and Sunday are not.
Why didn't I tell that story when I was active duty?
Because I did shift work.
I was on an eight-day schedule and I loved it!
That meant that sometimes my three-day "weekends" looked like "Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursdays" instead of what others thought of as "normal". That was fine by me! Fewer people at the beach on my days off!

Now, I'm participating in this 30-day project.
That does not mean one month.
It means thirty days.
I plan to conduct this sea change on universe time.
Ever forward,
ever in a positive direction,
ever for the betterment of my mind, body, and soul.
i thank God for the enlightenment!

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