Friday, January 6, 2017

day 6 of the Love Your Life Project

Day 6, and I feel even farther behind!
The ten-minute project for today is "Taking Acton".
The important thing is to do something.
Baby steps are good...
baby steps are progress...
so baby steps are perfect.

I liken this to writing a novel.
You may start out with a particular theme in mind, then, as you write, you find the story going off on a totally different tangent.
At least that is what happened for me.
I had joined the Southern Cross Novel Challenge in 2009. Unlike NaNoWriMo, which occurs during the busiest part of the fall semester, this writing challenge, aka SoCNoC, was in the summer. Sweet! At that time of year I had a chance at knocking out fifty thousand words.
Well...if I didn't have a boyfriend (which I did)...
who lived in Charleston (which he did)...
I think I could have completed it.
As it was, I had written seventeen thousand words by the end of the contest, garnering 46th place out of 167 writers who had accepted the challenge. On one day, I had even written SIX THOUSAND WORDS!!!
But here's the thing.
The story took on a life of its own.
The characters, who turned out to be physically based on my ex and some of his friends, were driven only by sex. I had thought there would be more to them than that, but... no. I still maintain that Harold Robbins would have been quite pleased that I likened the characters to those he penned.
So... where was I before this hour-long foray began?
Oh, yes.
Taking baby steps toward the adventure of my future.
You know?
I think this counts!
Look toward the dream...
but don't dwell on how to get there...
just go...

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