Monday, January 16, 2017

quaffs and the beagle's lost love

One writing was a song about alcoholic beverages, a longstanding love.
The other was an ode to a long-ago love affair with a student.
Of what do I speak?
Peter's past two Monday postings in his 52/50 Project, of course!
Both of the 2009 writings brought to mind my ex.

Hey, after being married to the man
for fifteen years, I have a
pretty good idea what he likes.
Beer is definitely in the top five.
I tried to find a video
of the Beagle singing
"The Perfect Beer",
but could not, alas.
What a bonus to have been able
to include that link here!
As for the lost love poem,
to my knowledge the ex never had
"Lovely Lo" in his life...
perhaps that lies in his future?
A Filipina sixteen years his junior?
One never knows!

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