Friday, January 6, 2017

day 5 of the Love Your Life Project

Well, it's only Day 5 and I'm already falling behind.
I take that back.
It's already Day 6.
I never did find the photos for the bliss to come, mostly because I lost interest in searching for them. I had too much else on my mind, distracting me. How could I think of bliss when I felt overwhelmed by woes?
Poor, poor me.
I slept in today - I mean, Thursday - and gradually got into the swing of things.
I never did get dressed...
but I did finish and post all of my syllabi for Armstrong.
Not only that, I populated the Armstrong eClassroom pages for those three classes, prepared my new group email lists for them, and even sent welcoming messages to the (mostly) new students I will have this spring.
I ate two bags of vegetables, with chicken and pasta, as lunch and dinner.
I spoke to my sane brother and to my enate cousin in Augusta about my invention.
I watched most of two Gene Wilder-Gilda Radner movies and relaxed.

So, what was Day 5's project?
"Creative Visualization".
The exercise called for me to look at my Vision Board...
which I have not even created yet...
and daydream about me being in the pictures.
Honestly, I do have a very nice imagination...
so perhaps a physical photo collection is not truly needed...
then again, a picture is worth a thousand words...
or something to that effect.

Now, I think I will take a soothing shower and slip into my warmed-up bed...
and dream of being kissed one thousand times...
as as a girl like me was born to be.

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