Monday, January 2, 2017

day 2 of the Love Your Life Project

Well, I realized from today's video that this project is a repeat of last year's "The Infinite Possibilities Project".
I had thought this was to be modeled on that earlier one, but with a different focus.
Did I participate in last year's project?
Well... no...
so that means this is still "new to me"...
I'm just making a note that any references to the year in this, or future assignments, should be changed to 2017.

Today's assignment: "Create Your Theme"
Choose a theme that resonates with me, using words that have special meaning to me.

Well, we all know what that word is, don't we?

It has repeatedly appeared in my first blog.

So, what I am wanting it to mean this year?

The adventure of love and kisses.
The adventure of travel.
The adventure of financial security with my first invention.
The adventure of change.

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