Friday, August 31, 2018

i'm officially a pirate!

"Aaarrrrggghhhh! I'm an official swashbucklin' pirate and I have the certificate to prove it, signed by Captain Sebastian the Black! That's Benjamin the Blue to back me up and the damsel is the singing Princess. Aaarrrgghhh!"

Many thanks to Christina Smith for buying the tickets for me and her and her man and treating me to this exhilarating show!
I had seen the ads for the Pirates Dinner Adventure many, many times on my trips to Orlando, but had never gone.
I must have been waiting to go with family!
After all, this is an interactive adventure, so clap and shout, dance about, and if you get the chance to be part of it, go for it!

Christina, herself, even volunteered to be the morale booster for Jose the Green and all of us on the Green ship!
I didn't even urge her to do so - she just did it!
Have I told you lately how proud I am of the young woman she has become?
Thank you, dear first niece, for letting me invite myself along on your vacation -
much love always!

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