Monday, August 27, 2018

who thinks of others on their vacation?

My nephew, Zach, is the one who posed that question.
I had sent Kobe one of the wooden puzzles from the Myrtle Beach.
Zach had been so surprised that I'd done that, not only for that great-nephew, but for all of my greats.
Me? Well, it isn't something I do all of the time, but when I see something that makes me think of someone else, no matter where I am, I like to make sure that person knows they were on my mind.
They're always in my heart.
Doing something to show that to them makes my heart happy.

On this vacation, I had brought several items to mail along the way.
First was a card mailed on Sunday to Mister Willie, as I was headed to the baseball game. He was in the hospital for just over a week, due to issues with his heart. I had gone to visit him on Friday and they were getting him ready to vacate the room! I hope that means he'll be okay for a while.
I can't wait to tell him about the Tortugas' last home game!

I also mailed the first of three cards to the Smith boys in Beaufort. The cards were bought in Saint Augustine many years ago, to send to ... who knows. Yes, it's been that long. So, I resolved to not have them languish in my possession anymore. Each card has part of an alligator and part of a poem and I think they will enjoy them.
This second one will be mailed tomorrow.

"Two-thirds I am here,
in body and soul.
The next is the last,
and the Gator is whole.
"Tomorrow I'll be going to the Museum of Arts and Sciences again, this time for the Art Deco exhibit. I love that fashion of art!
Did you notice that I said I was going to MOAS again? That's because I went on Monday, too. I saw a lot of art pieces from Cuba and some fossils from Florida's past. One of the fossils was an alligator skull. My favorite, though, was the prehistoric Giant Sloth skeleton that was actually found at Daytona Beach. How cool!"

Here, I have a card for my BFF. Her birthday was about two weeks ago.
This will be mailed tomorrow, on my way to the Random Acts of Insanity show.

"Dearest Sam,
I've enclosed a crossword puzzle that especially brought you to mind.
Gee, I wonder why?
I'm in Ormond Beach, Florida, having a little "waking up somewhere different" time.
Since the GA BOR had all the adjuncts terminated, I've been "at the beach" - so now I really am!
I categorize myself as "retired" and received my first draw the the teachers' retirement funds earlier this month.
I'm glad I'd started the SIMPLE-IRA while working with Smitty!
I rolled that over into the teachers' fund when I was fulltime in 2010 and that investment is - literally - paying off now.
Not that my days as an adjunct are over at Sav'h Tech, and I may be there in spring.
Meanwhile, I'm doing what I want, when I want... and enjoying the sound of the surf.
Hope you are well!
with much love always!
(The crossword puzzle, by the way, was from June 7.)

The bfe? Sure, I have something for him to be posted, too! It's a Jumble from August 16, so that's quite recent! And why does the that make me think of the physicist? Well, the clue was "After upgrading to lodging with two bedrooms, they would have..."
"Suite" dreams!
Nice pun on the two words that I associate with him, n'est-ce pas?
"Howdy, J-Dawg, from Ormond Beach! I know where the post office is down here and I'm making use of it with cards and letters to hither and yon - oh, yeah! So, each day when I head to events at Daytona Beach, I carry along several pieces of mail, too, already addressed and stamped at home.
Tomorrow I'll be taking in another show at the Planetarium at MOAs, plus going to the Art Deco exhibit. Today, I saw two - that's right, TWO - laser shows there! The first was music I didn't know for the first half, but it featured two songs that had spaceships in the laserwork. Very nice!
The second show was "Laser Retro" and had music from the 1980's, starting with "Lunatic Fringe" - totally aWesOMe!!! I had seen Red Rider do that one live - the arena SHOOK.

That second show was part of MOAS After Hours, so I was there until 7 PM, exploring exhibits and listening to a solo guitarist in the main exhibit hall. That was very nice, too! Okay... later, man!

My little niece in Alabama will also have a little something put in the mail tomorrow for her.
I wrote a letter about my trip to the Coca-Cola exhibit in the Root Family portion of MOAS.
I'm including this postcard with the story of how the bottle got its shape, too.
She's six years old and I think she'll like that design aspect!

Well, let me go and take a last look at the beach before I go to bed.
Later, y'all!

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