Sunday, August 5, 2018

banana-covered bacon sundae!

So, sorry to disappoint, but I'm not talkin' 'bout a recipe, so search on!
That title is just me being punny!
The Savannah Bananas had yet another rare Sunday game, but not part of the season.
No, this was a Playoff against Macon Bacon, our closest contender in the CPL South.
I'd like to say it was a good game, a tight game, a close battle...
but it most certainly was not.
Still, it was quite entertaining and quite a wonder for us fans at Grayson.
How so?
Almost everyone on the Bananas' team scored at least one run.
No, seriously.
Almost everyone on the Bananas' team scored at least one run.
Only one player - Hunter Wilson - did not.
But don't cry for him, Argentina.
The man had three RBIs!
Only one player - Justin Dirden - surpassed him by having 4 RBIs.
I know... that sound like a lot of runs for the home team, doesn't it?
And it was.
Let's roll the tape, shall we?

Here we are in the first inning.
The first batter, Cole Parks, can be seen safe
at home plate, thanks to Cade Marlowe's RBI.
Run one for the Bananas!
Three minutes later, Justin Dirden had his first RBI
as Clay Dungan scored!
(That would be Clay's first run of the night.)

No action for the Bananas in the second inning,
but the third proved more fruitful.
(See that little joke I slid in there?)
Hunter Wilson's first RBI brought Clay home once more,
for the the Bananas' third run.
(Nice little 1, 2, 3 for the stats!)
Barely one minute later, the fourth run was scored
for the fans at Grayson Stadium!
Bill LeRoy's only RBI gained Jake Sullivan safe
passage home - nice!

The fourth inning added exactly that many runs
to the Bananas' score!
Here's the first of those four runs, made by
Connor Basler.
That was Cade Marlowe's second RBI, too.
Then it was Cade's turn to come on home
for run 6!
Good work on that second RBI, Justin!
Now watch closely...
Hunter Wilson had just singled to second base,
allowing Jake Sullivan to come in again,
this time for run 7...
followed closely by Justin Dirden scoring run 8!!!
That's 2 RBIs for Hunter that inning!

Hold everything!
Did you see that???
The catcher for the Bacon made an error and vastly
overthrew to first, trying to catch Connor off base.
Garret Delano stole third and scored run 9!
But wait... there's more!
While the above was happening,
Connor Basler stole second...
and the third base coach waved him on in to home...
slide, slide, full-body slide!!!
Whew, safe for run 10!!!
What a crazy seventh inning that was!

Even so, the eighth inning was even wilder.
Clay came in for his third run of the night...
and right n his heels was...
Cade Marlowe for his second run home...
all thanks to the single by Justin Dirden
as he gained another 2 RBIs...
and the Bananas' score rose to 12 runs!

And the inning rocked on, with Justin advancing and
Bill LeRoy successfully landing on first.
Then Garret Delano approached the plate...
and knocked one out of the park!!!
Justin was in for lucky run 13!
Bill was in for fabulous 14!
Both men then stood at the plate, waiting,
while the team headed out of the dugout to
join them there...
as Garret made his way around the bases in
his victory trot!
I'm so glad he had runners for this home run!

Then the game was over, well and truly.
Macon knew when they came up to bat for the
ninth inning that it was simply a formality.
They had 4 runs to the 15 scored by the Bananas.
Still, they were gentlemen and good sports,
congratulating the home team on their win.

Looking for more photos?
Well, here I am with Bill LeRoy.
This was before the game.
Here's Willie with Berry Aldridge.
This was prior to the game time, too.

And here I am - at last! - with the team's mascot, the King of Potassium!
I get to call him by his nickname, though.
See you on Tuesday, Split, for the Playoff against the Hi-Toms!
Now, that promises to be a true championship bid!

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