Saturday, August 4, 2018

sweet end for season three

What a season-ending game
this last one has been!
Not only for the home team,
but also for the visitors.
For the Florence RedWolves,
it must have seemed like something from a dream.
Over and over and over, the bases were full of 'Wolves...
but they just couldn't get a man home after that first inning.
The one run - thanks to a wildly outside pitch - was the end of
their summer of baseball.

Not so for the Savannah Bananas!
Everyone already knew they would go on to play another day, as they won the first half of the season on a rare Sunday game, guaranteeing them a berth at the playoffs.
The home team will host at least the one playoff round tomorrow, again on a rare Sunday of play.
Tonight's win, though, is thanks to Garret Delano.
He single-handedly won the game by getting the only other run by either team after the second inning.
Sing along with - I know you know the lyrics of this one!
"A-roundin' third, and headed for home, it's a brown-eyed handsome man..." - oh, yeah!
How appropriate, since he truly does have brown eyes!
As I told Willie's wife, Gloria, when
I recapped the game for her, Garret is the cutest one, with long, curly dark hair down to his shoulders...
she appreciated that, totally!

Now, I don't mean to imply that the other fellows in yellow are not P.Y.T.s, because they certainly are.
Truly, how many young athletes are not, n'est-ce pas?
I caught Clay Dungan as he was getting a pre-game soda and he graciously posed with me.
He has been featured in my previous baseball musings, of course.
(I had thought he was winning an award tonight, but it went to pitcher Elliot Forde instead.)

Mister Willie graciously posed with me, too.
This time, he didn't even ask why I was taking so many photos!
He's a blue-eyed handsome man, but his pro-ball son has brown eyes.
I have to wonder if the son is a superfan, like his dad... maybe I'll have to ask about that!
What a blessing to share summer Savannah baseball with this man!
i thank You, God.

Until tomorrow, sports fans, when the Bananas battle Bacon...
sounds like something Elvis would approve of, especially with some peanut butter!

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