Sunday, May 19, 2019

the envelope, please

Jim isn't saying what the fundraiser movie will be.
He has proffered this description in "DO Savannah", via his weekly column there.
"... a one-show-only screening at the Bean of my all-time favorite American comedy film of the 1980s. What is it, you ask? ...
Here are some hints, though: it’s a pitch-perfect farce of the highest order, and a thinly-veiled remake of “The Rules of the Game,” Jean Renoir’s masterful 1939 French dramedy about the romantic intrigue and tension between the wealthiest among us and their poor, overlooked servants. Though it made next to nothing in the single week it played in theaters it is beloved by film critics and fiercely loyal fans around the world like myself who believe it to be one of the funniest, raunchiest and most spot-on takedowns of that uniquely Southern California blend of mid-80s elitism and haughtiness.
Essentially forgotten since that truncated big-screen run at only a few handfuls of cinemas in the USA, it has never been released on DVD here in the states and is hardly ever shown on cable or satellite. In other words, despite boasting a phenomenal cast of award-winning character actors and leading men and women, it’s as close to being a lost film as can be.

My prediction of the film's identity?
It will be "Scenes From The Class Struggle In
Beverly Hills", from 1989.
I first saw the movie when he featured it in
the PFS Film Festival in 2010.
Jim has said it was his "all-time favorite"
from that decade and I totally believe it.
At the time, he was a 20-year-old junior
art-school student, majoring in film, minoring
in being a drug-using club musician.
I'm sure if I had seen it on its short-lived release,
I would have liked, too, but perhaps not as well as
its big-screen predecessor, "The Big Chill".
That premiered as a huge hit in 1983, when I was 25
and stationed in San Diego.
So, if I'm correct about this prediction, I'll still pay
for seeing the movie and buy some raffle tickets...
but then I think I'll take my leave.

After all, I'm truly going there for Carolyn's sake.
She is one of mi tres amigas and is in need.
My fifty dollars, which I have held tightly for almost two months and had designated toward my birthday60+1 money, will be donated instead to her dental fund.
Happy chewing to you, dear friend!
Happy birthday to me!

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