Friday, May 24, 2019

odd-ly free friday funnies

The Odd Lot gang has done it again!
For the sixth year running, they have won Best Comedy
Group of Savannah!
Last year, they had given an entire week of free shows
to the public.
Tonight's Friday Funnies is the sole freebie this time.
I'll take it, with many thanks!
The above has the six performers doing their best
at "World's Worst".
That included my "cat groomer" which featured the
person licking the feline.
Ack!!! Very funny, though!
Here, Chris Soucy, the emcee, was taping Justin's
response in "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".
The question which caused such hilarity?
Why are there no women in Odd Lot?

The blonde volunteer in this skit of "Dubs" is the audience member who had asked.
"Her" dialogue and voice, raspy like Harvey Fierstein's, was supplied by Darren, to much hilarity!
She portrayed a parachuting expert, taking two novices for a jump out of a perfectly good plane.
Hahahaha hahaha!
Speaking of that distinctive voice, here's Justin using it first, for 'Roxanne' in "The Dating Game".
(Warning: skits may not be shown in actual order. LOL!)
'She' was not interested in Bachelor 3, with Thomas as The Bard himself, who kept jotting notes for plays.
Chase's song lyrics as answers was not for her, either.
But 'she' definitely liked Chad as a captive man, buried up to his neck in an ant hill.
Sounds to me like she might like the b & d!
That means 'she' might have ended up like Chad and Trick did in this episode of "Half Life" with its general theme of "civil war".
Chad led with a a right slap for this abusive relationship skit that was a bit surreal for this tame improv group.
Trick did well as the one who "loved him anyway".
As I said, rather surreal.
This episode of "Press Conference" was also a tad surreal, but that wasn't on Chad.
Someone in the audience had requested that his character be famous as "the man who ate the whale that ate Pinocchio".
Rather tricky, but he did manage to untangle the clues.
Good work!
Now, for lighter stuff again!
For example, consider this rousing game of "Ding
Slips", with Thomas, Trick, and Chase.
They were tasked with using the audience's written
suggestions in the hat to unravel how to deal with
an accident at the sewage treatment plant.
Nothing but good, clean fun here, folks!
"Genre Change" was more of that stuff we so love!
The 30-second story about one applying for a job
had them perform it five different times, once as the original, then as a musical, a western, something else... and in kung fu format, shown here.
The musical was my suggestion!
"Five Words" is always fun, too!
Here, the two players are given a list of words they must use in a plausible manner during the skit.
Thomas had my "giraffe" and Justin had my "chartreuse".
Such fine use they made of them!
I think my favorite tonight may have been "The
Dating Game", as usual, but this "Slideshow"
was a close second!
In this skit, Chase has returned from vacation
and is regaling folks with the "photos", portrayed
in still frames by the other improv members.
Chase had been so very enthusiastic about going
to Easter Island!
He had been crushed to discover that there were
no rabbits there, none at all.
Only giant stone heads greeted his sight.
Oh, so sad!
Hahahaha hahaha!
Bear in mind that Chase faced the audience the
entire time.
That makes it doubly amazing that he and Thomas
were thinking along the same lines at the same
time, so the image of Thomas with rabbit ears
coincided with Chase's disappointment at no
spring-time hopping creatures.
Well-played, my dears, well-played!
Thanks for the show!

Now, I'm at the cinema with Carolyn and Barbara for "The White Crow".
It's the second film about a dancer in as many days!
And how do I know I was meant to be here?
There was a penny waiting for me in front of the cash register.
Right place, right time!
The pre-birthday60+1 celebration continues!

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