Saturday, May 18, 2019

widget, hobbit, and alice cooper, too

Want to take a guess where I was on this lovely May night?
Look very closely at this candle...
ding! ding! ding!
The home of the squirrel mistress, off the grassland of the Serengeti!
'Twas time for her annual "School's Out" party and this year it was a cookout!
Sausages, fresh and hot off the grill, cooked by Christa herself!
She also had quartered potatoes, lots of tasty nuts (get the joke, squirrel fans?), and various chips.
Actually, though, the chips may have been from Steve, the token man at this party.
Barbara and Sandy had brought deviled eggs, with olives for that extra zip!
Christa also had deviled eggs, but hers had bacon, too!
Lauri brought "Man-wich" dip (for real!), while her mom, Lynn, supplied a peach cream cheese dessert.
I brought the popcorn for the movie!
Widget didn't bring anything 'cept his lovely little self!
Then again, he lives there!
Such a fun toy of a dog!
He kept on the prowl for falling bits of goodies, but we made sure he didn't get any "people" food -
just lots and lots of lovin'!
I especially did so during the scarier bits of the thirty-year-old "Pet Sematary" movie.
I'd never seen it, but they all had.
I had invited Kevin to this party earlier. We had seen "Tolkien", at his request, for our Tuesday outing. He was interested in it as a writer; I wanted to see Nicholas Hoult, of my favorite zombie film.
Anyway, after the movie, he and I had crossed paths with Laurie and Lynn. They had recognized my laugh, so they'd made sure to track me down.
We'd all stood in the hall, outside the screening room, talking about that movie and various other things, including this upcoming party and its featured film. The three of them were even comparing notes on which version was better, the 1989 or the recent remake.
I know how much the running bear likes hooror, so I had invited him along for tonight.
He had abstained, fearing it would be a hen party, rather than a sausage fest.
Except for Steve's presence, it really was a hen party... but I hadn't realized how much of one until we were all talking about J.R.R. Tolkien and his books tonight.
I was the only female who had read - and enjoyed - "The Hobbit".
In fact, I was the only woman there who had read the book multiple times.
I was also the only one who had grown up with brothers in the house.
That probably explains my attraction to Tolkien's books.
He wrote of great fellowship between brothers-from-other-mothers.
He had not known of such until he was at college and became part of a group of four young men of like mind, accepting each other as they were, a "family" of their own choosing.
I truly do love such stories.
That's at the heart of my attraction to "The Big Bang Theory".
Nice to know that my contribution to mi amigas is my appreciation of men as people!

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