Sunday, May 12, 2019

help with the yards

The help began on Friday.
I had been trimming the leggy azaleas and random wild cherry trees.
Two stacks of lopped branches lay near the cleared areas.
My first niece and her littlest girl came by to surprise me.

"Wanna go to dinner?"

Well, I already have plans...
but I could use some help!
All of these branches need to go to the curb.
Miyah, could you help me drag them there?

Oh, you betcha!
She was down for that for sure!

Plus, it distracted her from going into the street and gave her Mama a chance to relax on the cool grass under my tulip magnolia.
As for the littlest girl, she has nice muscles and good determination, working for about twenty minutes!

Not only was she adept at dragging the limbs to the pile, but she was even pretty good at trying to lift them into place!

I was so impressed with her!
Thank you, dear!
Thank you, Christina, too!

Late this morning, I heard a lawn mower crank up in my back yard.
My youngest brother had arrived to make tame the back yard!

Then my eldest brother drove up!
He had his weed whacker to discourage that low-lying brush up near the house and to beat back the crabgrass crawling over the sides of my sidewalk.

Thanks, Tony!

Thanks, Smitty!

I finished the construction of my improvised barbed wire atop my fence, too, to discourage wayward youths from trespassing through my yard as a shortcut.
That 'sticker vine' that runs rampant has been put to better use than pricking my thumbs!

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