Monday, May 13, 2019

baseball fever

If I had to pin a date on it, I'd have to say April 3rd.
That was the date of the Eagles exhibition game.
Three days later, I received my ticket package from the Savannah Bananas.
Ever since then, I've been hungry for baseball, hungry
for evenings at Grayson Stadium, watching the game
on the diamond, watching the sky darken to deepest
blue above the green pines.
Instead, I've resorted to watching baseball-themed movies, of which there are not enough available to me On Demand.
"Major League II" was pretty satisfying, especially as there were a lot of scenes of the game being played. It was very nice to see all those famous folk clad in baseball uniforms, especially Tom Berenger - he doesn't show up much on the big screen these days. As for Charlie Sheen, I see plenty of "Two and a Half Men" to satisfy me.
Then I had my yen for baseball-scented air sated a few weeks ago. I would have loved seeing some professionals out on the field, but there were a few folks playing catch, so I watched that for a while, listening to the smack of balls against glove leather.
Ever since, I've been wanting more.
After all, for more than twenty years April had meant the start of live baseball here in Savannah. By this time on the calendar, I would have already had at least fifteen games' worth of the Savannah Sand Gnats claiming the field.
I really do miss that.
Yes, I understand that the Bananas don't even exist until after the colleges release the players to us. Since they don't exist until then, that means no baseball for us until late May, at the earliest. This year, the first home game is not until May 30th, a Thursday.
Yes, that date is nearing, but not fast enough for my taste.
Meanwhile, I get in some baseball however I can.
"108 Stitches", watched On Demand last Saturday night, was 'new to me' and quite enjoyable. This one combined baseball with college hijinx, blending the sports-nerds team members with all of the other nerd groups found on a college campus. Lots of laughs and a good amount of baseball, too! It worked quite well for my baseball jones.
Then, tonight, in search of something else On Demand, I stumbled upon "Fastball". Kevin Costner narrates this documentary about that particular pitch and the men who have most successfully thrown it. It was amazing! It also touched me unexpectedly, reducing me to tears as it talked with aging Major League players of pitchers aging or long gone. The reality of it all simply overwhelmed me.
I really do miss baseball at this time of year.

Fortunately, the night has ended on a lighter note, thanks to my boys of physics.
Howard, as a former astronaut, has been asked to throw the first pitch on Space Day.
After practicing unsuccessfully to land a ball at home plate, he decided to wow everyone by having a Mars rover throw the ball instead! Pure genius, right?
Well, no.
The rover moves at a v*e*r*y__s*l*o*w___p*a*c*e, laving Howard out there on the mound while the crowd, including Raj and Sheldon, heckle him.
Very funny, actually!
Thanks, guys!

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