Sunday, March 3, 2019

ripple in an ocean

The special General Conference called last month for the United Methodist Church population was to decide the new direction for the ministries under its umbrella.
The vote would decide whether all would operate under the (p)flag of One Church or would continue with the banner of Traditional Church.
The Traditional won the vote, 55% against inclusion, 45% for inclusion.
How absolutely amazing!
Given that 43% of the UMC's population is in Asia, Africa, and Russia, with all three domains voting unanimously as a bloc, that means they were only joined in that decision by 12% of the population in other geographic locations.
How absolutely amazing!
Those results challenge us who believe that all are God's children to stay the course.
Change is most assuredly coming.
The tiny ripple started by "Reconciling Congregations" in San Francisco in 1982 had little effect in the great ocean of churches in the United States.
Thirty years later, that ripple had grown to a small wave, brushing up against these Georgia shores as Reconciling Ministries.
Now, almost another decade after it first formed in California, that ripple is now a wave gently washing along the vast coasts of India, thanks to its dominant youth population, young people requesting acceptance of all in the Hindi faith.
That's right, that's occurring in India, part of Asia.
Notice that change has happened in only two generations' time.
How absolutely amazing!
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

The Universe said...

The Universe

2/20/2019 3:46 AM

At long last, Faustina, a 3 Point Spiritual Litmus Test to see whether or not any old religious doctrine or modern day "ism" is worthy of celebration:

Does it speak of life’s beauty? Or,
Does it speak of our power? And,
Does it include everyone, everywhere, no matter what?

The Universe