Thursday, April 18, 2019

on the guest list again!

"Which guest list might that be, dear?"

For the American Red Cross' Donor Awards and Appreciation event!

"How very nice for you! Like the event last year?"

Yes, it was! It was quite a nice luncheon today, too. Plus, I'll have a big salad from the leftover veggies and deli turkey that was there!

"Oh, that's wonderful! That's so much better for you than all those potato chips and cereal from last night..."

Hey, that's enough of that. I've tracked it all, every bite, so it's all good now. I just couldn't seem to find what it was I had a taste for, you know? So I was eating everything trying to satisfy that 'itch' that I couldn't identify.

"No worries, dear. You've handled the matter exactly right."

Thanks. I am trying to continue on with the program. Yesterday, I received the "25 lbs milestone", a green charm. I talked a lot at that meeting, too. I made sure everyone knew it had taken me 14 months and that the weight loss acknowledged by that charm was a "net loss", as I had easily lost twice that amount over that time span.
I think I actually freaked some folks out.
I've been abnormally quiet since they started this new program.

"Yes, I am aware of Wellness Wins as the change in semantics. Tell me more about this special luncheon today! What did you win there?"

What makes you think I won anything? (smile)

"No need to play coy with me! I'm sure they had movie trivia again!"

Yes, they did! This time, it wasn't quotes, though. The emcee described a scenario and we had to guess which movie it was. I don't recall the first movie title I 'won', but I now have a bright red visor for it.

"That should be handy for yard work."

For sure!

"So, continue. What else did you win? I know you're saving the best for last."

Ah, you know me too well then!
And you are correct.
I only won one more prize for the movie trivia and it was for a movie I never saw.

"Oh, wow. No one else knew it before you?"

Nope. The emcee even had to give us a second hint, as no one was even guessing for the description. So, she was pantomiming pushing someone toward the front door... and I guessed "Get Out". And that was correct!

"Good for you! Yeah, I recall that is a horror flick, which you avoid."

Yeah, and apparently all the others there avoid them.

"So, give already! What was the prize?"

It was a promotional package from 2015. You know, like the recent one, with GoT. However, this one came with a limited edition cooking spoon, plus celebrity recipes.

"How cool! Did you know any of the chefs?"

Nope, not a single one, never even heard of them before. I do like the spoon!

"Seriously, how did you even know they were celebrities then?"

The market manager was there and she told me. I was about to give it away to an older gentleman at my table, as he had not won anything. Instead of that recipe set, he took the water bottle I won in the raffle.

"Well, that was nice of you to share the largess!"

Hey, it was the least I could do. He was the one who waved me over to the seat at his table.

"How very nice of him! Now, come on, spill the beans already. Who were the chefs on those recipe cards?"

Oh, them. John Besh and Rocco DiSpirito were the only two who are professional chefs. Ellie Krieger is a nutritionist by trade, with a big web presence. I would think my nephew, Jason Barry, would know of her, as he works in that same world.

"Goodness! How many celebrities were featured?"

There was a total of six. Including those three, there were two chef-testants from tv cooking shows. Those were Richard Blais and Mike Isabella. The sixth one was Ali Larter. She is not a chef or in that general field; she's a scream queen actress. That seemed like an odd choice, but she's in the mix!

"Hahahaha hahaha! Nice cooking pun!"

Thanks! Good to have my humor appreciated!

"Anytime, dear! Now, don't you need to get ready to meet Caroline for a movie?"

Yes, I do! We're seeing "The Best Of Enemies" before it vanishes from the cinema. That true story about school integration in the South is certainly one I can relate to. It takes place in 1971, when I was 13 years old and going to Myers Middle School. A group of black teens from Savannah High School came over one day and caught me between buildings. They had me on the ground, kicking and hitting me, until I was finally rescued.
And why were they beating me?
Because of my skin color.
What craziness.
Still, off I go to revisit that time period, with my dear friend at my side.

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