Sunday, July 8, 2018

those Smith kids!

Here we are, the Smith kids!
This was at our grandparents' home in Waycross.
What occasion may it have been?
Possibly a Thanksgiving feast or an Easter dinner.
After all, we're dressed up nicely!
What year might this have been?
I can't say for sure, but most likely 1975.
That's Ronnie, off to the leftmost.
Then Smitty with his blond wavy hair!
I'm the one in the mini-skirt and long hair - their one-and-only sister -
and Tony is there on the right.

Now, let's flash forward about fourteen years, shall we?
The Smith kids have all grown up -
the boys are all parents now and the girl has served 8 years in the Navy and finished her BS in chemistry.
This time, the family was united for a Labor Day cookout at Mama and Frank's house on Chipper Circle.
It's 1989 and soon time for Mama and Frank's fifth anniversary!
Ronnie, Tony, and Smitty are backing me up and life is pretty great!

Flash forward again, this time by twenty-nine years, to today.
All four of the Smith kids are together again, for the first time since...
well, since Mama died and her house was sold and Tony moved to Baton Rouge.
That's been at least twelve or thirteen years ago.
(Hurricane Katrina had been the impetus for his return here.)
So, what was the occasion for this auspicious clan meeting?
Lunch at KFC.
Oh, plus my insistence that we all get together for a photo.
You would not believe how much weight has been lifted from my shoulders, just by this very simple luncheon at a fast-food restaurant.
We all talked together, with me mostly listening to my brothers going over some family history and catching up on current events - did my heart good, it truly did.
I told Smitty that I'm hoping we can do this once a month - just a casual sit-down somewhere, between siblings.
He was most agreeable to the idea, so I think that it'll work out well.

i thank You, God, that we could be together today.


cherry-eating Penny said...

Penny Harrison Guenther
July 9 at 6:59 AM

Beautiful family! And I also am digging your hair!

Aunt Barbara said...

Barbara Narcarti
July 8 at 7:30 PM

I know Harvey would have loved to see this,with all you kids together.I will fill in for him since I am his only sister and say I love you all for him.Aunt Barbara Narcarti

boomer Kathy said...

Kathy Butler
July 8 at 6:47 PM

Nothing like family!

hvj Josie said...

Jo Coleman
July 8 at 5:29 PM

They gotta love you!

Betsy from the neighborhood said...

Betsy Provost Kameron
July 8 at 5:02 PM

Wow! Great picture!

outlaw Melinda's sis, Tammy said...

Tammy Oostlander
July 8 at 4:43 PM

Great picture

sis-in-law Laura said...

Laura Smith
July 8 at 3:55 PM


LA Hallie said...

Hallie Henry Allgood
July 8 at 3:54 PM

What a great memory for you! Happy you are all together! It’s what your mom would have wanted.

long-time Robin said...

Robin Ritenour Jenkins
July 8 at 3:54 PM

Wow. First picture in many years.

stepmom Bonnie said...

7/10/2018 8:13 AM

Thank you,

You guys are definitely Harvey Smith’s kids…

I was trying to see whose eyes look more like his…

But Tony has the glasses….what do you think?

Barbara Boo said...

7/10/2018 12:10 PM

Loved those bell bottoms. Soooo glad you could initiate a reunion. Are you packed and ready to go to Vegas?