Monday, March 18, 2019

odd gnight out

It's a real gnovelty for me to get out of the house.
Actually, it's a rarity to gnot be on the tv stand.
Gnot that I'm complaining, gnaturally.
Elvis the Singing Penguin is the best friend I've ever had.
He's gnever been your average guy, that's for sure.
Gnormally, we just keep the woman company and try to act gnatural -
gno fuss, gno noise.

I'm gnot sure, but I think she took me to the Loft to leave me.
Instead, she let me watch the Odd Lot improv show with her - gnice!
Gnumber one favorite for me was the gnifty half-life skit.
The duo were tasked with dancing "The Gnutcracker" in one minute.
Chase, on the right, tried to give the right gnotion to Travis,
the one gnabbed in full spin during the fifteen-second iteration.
Gnicely done, my gnarly chums!
Gnext time, suggest the woman whistle "The Dance of The Sugar Plum Fairy" - she's got that one down pat, gnote for gnote!
Gnow, this gnome is glad to be home.
Time for tuna gnachos!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Hey, sorry about that folks. I had no idea the little guy was going to post an entry about tonight's outing.
Still, he did pretty well, though with some interesting spelling errors.