Sunday, March 17, 2019

from india to ireland on st. patrick's day

Seriously, where else to dine on such fine foods as corned beef and cabbage, and on such a day as today, except on the bonny Emerald Isle?
And where else might I have found an authentic Irish public house such as Fia Rua, complete with a waitress named Erin, except over the sea in the land of leprechauns?
(Not to be confused with gnomes. Remember? LOL!)
In truth, closest I came to being in Ireland was via
this photo, shared by JinHi on fb.
She and Mark are in Wicklow, a town about two-thirds
down the east coast, visiting friends.
Where I dined, the Red Stag pub, is located in Richmond
Hill, so that still qualifies as a 'vacation' trip for me.
Had I driven out there for any special reason?
Yes, I did - for corned beef and cabbage!
I could have gone to the Cracker Barrel... but this
place-new-to-me was truly Irish!

In fact, I passed by the Cracker Barrel in Pooler as
I headed southeast down I-95.
That was after 'visiting' India while I was viewing
"Badla" at the Royal, of course.
Sadly, none of mi amigas were with me, as they had all
seen it a week ago Friday, when I was at the Lucas.
Not that I was alone for this tale of murder and revenge.
There were quite a few people there to see the renowned Amitabh Bachchan, now in his 70's, in his role as Badal
Gupta, a witness preparation specialist.
What a superbly done thriller!

Now, I am much more satisfied and more quiet in spirit
since my little adventure "out of town".
After all, this holiday coincides with Spring Break,
a time when I am usually off to Florida or somewhere.
Soon, I have promised myself, soon.
Meanwhile, me lads and lassies, don't be runnin' with
yer bagpipes, lest ye put an aye out or get kilt.
(Hey, a little pun never hurt anyone!)

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