Sunday, March 31, 2019

30th smf, day four

This was not quite what I volunteered for today.
The blame partly lies with an artist, Pokey LaFarge, who purportedly chose the world of Hollywood over his two commitments to the Savannah Music Festival. Living in Los Angeles has evidently left him starstruck.
Fortunately, an Absolute Monster Gentleman stepped up to fill that void.
Even better, this one has a 2016 Grammy to vouch for his musical virtuosity.

That English chap is Jon Cleary, a transplant who has called Louisiana home for two decades.
For this matinee, he performed solo - a very rare event.
He had me with the first song,
"I Hear You Knocking"!
Sure, c'mon in, and bring your dancing shoes, too!
Those "Frenchmen Street Blues" were pretty, but my dancing feet preferred the "Poor Boy Blues".
What an upbeat way to end his gig!

Yes, this is the same photo.
I had thought this was to be a single act, not a double bill.
Kat Edmonson, my first niece's age, performed with her own band.
I certainly liked her slower take on "Just Like Heaven", a much-loved song by The Cure.
However, her spin on "Summertime" was not to my liking at all, bringing dark images of "Strange Fruit" to mind, rather than the heat of July.
I didn't care for any of the songs she wrote, as all seemed to be of a 'poor, poor me" variety.

Oh well.
I had thought I was having a cabaret-style afternoon of blues.
Perhaps I will fare better on that with the Tuesday line-up.
I certainly hope so!
At least I was able to see Erin Muller again, rather than on facebook.
Plus, Tony Clarke gave me a huge and lovely hug!
Lord, that man always smells so good...


faustina said...

A free birthday60 gift - with my own dance hall - instead of a cost of $42 for the show?
Even though it hadn't been what I'd thought it'd be, it was still very good!

faustina said...

Amazingly, I stumbled upon a recording of Jon Cleary and I think it's even from that SMF performance!

faustina said...

at the same locale for the SMF radio, I found highlights from Kat's performance that day!
Very nice!