Wednesday, March 6, 2019

resolutions check up

I made two resolutions for 2019.
one which I have shared with many
and one that I have kept silent.
The one I have been open about is
related to food intake.
I have opted to strive to eat at least the minimum amount of the protein my body requires daily.
I had read that the optimum was one gram of protein for every kilogram (circa two pounds) of body weight.
That meant I needed to eat at least 116 grams of protein daily.
Considering that 3 ounces of lean chicken contains 18 grams of protein, I needed to eat about 20 ounces of that chicken.
That's one pound, 4 ounces of chicken breast, folks, each and every day.
I've been making that happen, too, although it made a dent in my grocery bill.
Well, today I found out that I've been overdoing my protein intake.
A little research here and there has revealed that the correct correlation should be
0.8 g of protein per kg of body mass.
Once I changed my math, I found my target value should have been 83 grams.
I'd been overeating protein by 33 grams a day.
That equates to six ounces too many... daily.

So, now I'm in a quandary.
When trying to lose weight, more protein intake increases level of fullness.
My weight loss has hit a plateau for more than two months, i.e., longer than I've been minding my proteins.
That means that my higher level of protein has not adversely affected my weight loss.
It also means that change has not been particularly beneficial.
So, do I stay the course with my current protein intake instead of lowering it?
Or, would it be better for me to change to the 83-gram plan?
I will give the 116-gram course two more weeks, for a total of seven weeks.
If the scale has not budged appreciably, I'll try out the 83-gram plan for seven weeks.

My second resolution, the one not voiced to anyone until now, was to stop playing games on my computer.
I've been doing that idle-time time-consumer ever since I was in graduate school in Florida in the late 1980's.
For the better part of the past two decades, online sudoku has been my poison of choice.
I've been known to play for more than three hours without a break... and that's just nuts to sit nearly immobile for that length of time.
In front of a great, unblinking, eye.
I already spend far too much of a day - or a night - sitting, sitting, sitting.
For 2019, I decided to make a change and giving up online sudoku felt right.
Sure, I still play it the old-fashioned way, using pen on paper.
I still work my crossword puzzles and the Jumbles from the various newspapers in print.
Online games, though, are no longer part of my daily habit.
On this day of Lent, I promise to continue this resolution, this giving up of something I have so enjoyed and for so long.
I don't even have that webpage bookmarked anymore.
That's good.

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