Thursday, March 7, 2019

punny road signs, et alia

Some while back - last year, too - a friend had posted these punny photos on facebook.
Might it have been my outlaw Bunny?
In any case, these were on the billboard for the Indian Hills Community Church.
I'm glad to know the folks in Lincoln, Nebraska, have such a delicious sense of humor!
The photo above, taken on a foggy morning, reads:
"Tried to grab the fog.
I mist."

Hahahaha hahaha!

Here are the others that tickled my fancy, sans photos for brevity.

"If you suck at playing the trumpet,
that's probably why."

The opposite of wrinkly."

"Big shout out to my fingers!
I can always count on them."

"In search of fresh vegetable puns.
Lettuce know."

"I'm friends with 25 letters of the alphabet.
I don't know Y."

"Despite the high cost of living,
it remains popular."

"Cow stumbles into pot field.
The steaks have never been higher."

"Turning vegan
would be a big missed steak."

"Ban pre-shredded cheese!
Make America grate again!"

"Electricians have to strip
to make ends meet."

"For chemists, alcohol is not a problem,
it's a solution."

"Crushing pop cans
is soda depressing."

"Our mountains aren't just funny,
they're hill areas."

"Remember, if the world didn't suck,
we'd all fall off."

"Well, to be frank,
I'd have to change my name."

"When you're down by the sea
and an eel bites your knee,
that's a moray!"

Okey-dokey, folks, time for me to step away from the computer!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Oops! My apologies, y'all!
The group that posted the signs is in COLORADO, not Nebraska.
You can read about them here.
Thanks, Gene Perrone, for the correction.