Friday, June 10, 2022

chem ladies at olive garden!

Hooray for Yvonne!

That's her silver curls bouncing in the breeze, while Brooke holds up her arm as a sunshade, and that's The 'Cole standing between them.

Yes, our little group has grown to six now with that last addition, as Cathy Mac and Lea were there, too!

No token physicist this time... I think Donna was visiting her home of West Virginia.

And where was I?

I'd made a pitstop before exiting and so the others had waited, with Brooke...

for me to come out and give her a hug.

Aw! Isn't she the sweetest thing?!

She's the age of my first niece, by the way, and we both ordered the Italian doughnuts - mine with two pots of raspberry jam - and shared the dessert with all.

I'd only been up about an hour before the 11:30 AM luncheon, so my dessert was post-brunch - and such a treat!

Wonder where we'll be off to next?


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