Thursday, June 16, 2022

three more medical visits down!

So, last week, I saw the heart doc and got my annual mammogram.
Both had originally been scheduled for May, but I had demurred.
Yesterday, it was an ophthalmologist, my PCP, and the nutritionist.
Those latter two had been scheduled for my birth month, too, but I had declined.
That appointment for my eyes, though, that was a new doctor for me, called up to bat by my usual guy, Dr. Smith, at the Savannah VA.
I'm so glad I didn't have to go to Charleston again!
Dr. Robin Ray at the Georgia Eye Institute, over on the Memorial Hospital campus, didn't see me until almost two hours into the appointment.
First, one of his assistants took scans of my retinas, like Dr. Smith had.
Then, a la a torture sequence from "A Clockwork Orange", she held my eyes wide open, one at a time, and then shone an intensely bright green light into them.
Seriously - ouch!!!
These are the resultant images.
The one on the right is actually of my left eye and has a pretty 'slice of pink grapefruit' tone to it.
The sickly green image, that looks like moldy fruit, was taken of my right retina.
Why the images are reversed, I don't know, unless it's because she took the one of the right eye before the one of the left.
Why didn't I ask her about them?
Well, I did not see these while I was with her.
I didn't even see them when I was with the second assistant, who I had mistakenly thought might be the doctor, as I was there so long.
She did all manner of the usual tests for vision accuracy, both with and without my glasses, and used a white light to look into my eyes.
Then she dilated my eyes and sent me to the waiting room for about fifteen minutes.
When I was again ushered into an office, that's when I saw the images.
I was there for about twenty minutes, entertaining myself with nary another in sight.
So, I snapped the photo.
Dr. Ray came in after I'd bounced to the bathroom and was there about ten minutes.
I'll see him again in September.
Today, I was to see Ms. Barker, my PCS, but she was not there.
The way folks talked, she may well not be there the next time I have an appointment.
Instead, I saw Ms. Omolara.
I do hope the plan is not to make her my PCP.
I actually had to convince her that Sotalol is NOT a blood pressure medication, but an anti-arrhythmia, and so I needed to have the Ramipril added back to my list of drugs.
She saw me for all of about fifteen minutes.
Fortunately, I had the nutritionist right after!
I do enjoy talking with Elizabeth Carley and the feeling is mutual.
I told her all about my new meal plan and she was very pleased with the results I'm getting.
She said I've lost six pounds since she last saw me!
That was a surprise to me.
I thought I had lost half that much.
Well, good!
And I'll look forward to seeing her smiling face in August!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I was curious about when I'd last seen the nutritionist.
It was on March 29th, two days before the ablation, and the same day I saw the image of my left and right retinas.

Six pounds gone, over 11 week span.
That's still faster than what I'd lost before.
That would have been 6 # over about 6 months.

Hey, loss is loss, right?
Better than continuing to cart it around.