Saturday, June 18, 2022

off to the nearest oasis!

Isn't that what this brings to mind?
I think an island vacation is on my mind, but that's not where I was for three hours today.
I was at the Oglethorpe Mall, taking refuge in its air-conditioned walkways.
I wasn't the only one seeking relief from the heat this afternoon, as quite a few families, and single folks, too, were out in force.
Some were even wearing masks.
I was not, but I took care to stay more than the requisite six feet from others.
I kept moving for the most part.
My left knee has been a bit sore from my slipping on that slope in front of my sidewalk on Thursday.
I guess I'm really going to have to request that folks pull up in my driveway to drop me off.
That slippery slope has stumped me several times, but I've usually been okay.
So, I'd gone to the Mall to give me a walk and get me off my seat, so those muscles could get a bit of gentle stretching.
The Tylenol was helping, but not enough, right?
Not that walking was all I did.
I treated myself to lunch out, too.
The Food Court there has a cool-blue ocean theme and is very nice for sitting a spell.
I did so with a small spaghetti and small salad from Sbarro's.
(Lots of "s" consonants thrown in to be more sibilant!) 
The sketti came with two meatballs, but I only ate half of one; mostly bread in them.
The small meal was just perfect for me, not weighing me down.
That was good!
The mall has an interesting star-like shape, with several arms to accommodate the anchor stores, and the Food Court between two of those.
I had parked at the far end of one of the star's arms, then had to walk a circuitous route to reach the dining area.
It really was a nice walk, given the cool temperature within the mall's walls.
Plus, I enjoyed the people watching.
I don't mind lots of people being around as long as they're not all trying to be where I am.
The folks at the mall were like me: on the move, pausing to sit on the cool squares around the fountains and such, popping in and out of stores.
All of us had our own destinations, or lack of them, and only briefly would others be traveling behind or alongside me.
It was rather nice.
I've been saying for a while that I was going to go mall-walking, but this is the first time I've actually ventured forth to do so.
I'll be doing this again.
This may even become a new groove for me!
Now, I'm looking forward to a little GPB activity!
First up are back-to-back episodes of "Keeping Up Appearances" with Hyacinth and Daisy and Rose and Violet.
Then... "The Vicar Of Dibley" gets started back up!
No, I didn't say these would be new episodes... I'm just thrilled to have the reruns return!
I do wonder which joke Geraldine will tell Alice?
Hahahaha!  Hahaha!

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